Водный транспорт Юга России 2019

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Старший менеджер

Шевцов Антон Андреевич.

Senior Manager

Anton Shevtsov.

Менеджер Мисиков Максим


Manager Maxim Misikov.

Менеджер Кононенко Виктор


Manager Victor Kononenko.

Formation of the society MORS-

FERA originates in the marine

colleges and nautical schools.

The team that was at the origin of

the company gained its rich experience

both as seafarers on various

types of vessels and from coastal

professionals. In its current form,

the organization appeared relatively

recently. Study of problems in the

field of modern shipping prompted

the formation of a fundamentally

new approach to this industry and,

as a result, gave impetus to the registration

of a new company.

LLC MORSFERA offers a wide

range of services in the field of ship

servicing in maritime and inland

waterway transport. A team of experienced

specialists is ready to

provide high-quality service in relation

to ship agency in the port, fleet

supply, as well as agent services in

the field of mediation at the State

Registration of Vessels in Russian

Registries and assistance in the

preparation of ship documents.

The company’s specialists

offer assistance in processing

of the following documents:

1. Certificate of ownership of the


2. Flag certificate of the Russian


3. Certificate of minimum safe


4. Certificate of insurance or other

financial support for civil liability

for damage from bunker fuel


5. Certificate of insurance or other

financial support of civil liability

for damage from oil pollution. 6.

Certificate of insurance or other

financial liability for damage

caused by hazardous and noxious


7. Duplicates of the listed certificates.

8. Journal of continuous registration

of the vessel.

9. Extracts from the registers.

10. Small vessels’ certificate, as well

as other actions and documents.

A wide network of reliable partners

of the company guarantees

quality service in the field of fleet

supply and provision of such services

as: repair of electrical navigation

equipment, supply of shipboard

equipment, supply of food

to the fleet, removal of shipboard

waste, and others.

Office of the company is located

not far from administrative

port buildings, which guarantees

efficiency in the performance of

their duties by employees.

Under the conditions of active

development in the field of sea

and river transportation, as well as

under the influence of technical

progress, LLC MORSFERA strives

for maximum optimization of processes

in this business segment.

The company’s specialists are always

trying to meet the high standards

of quality of the services


ул. Петровская, д. 12, пом. 4, офис 11,

г. Таганрог, Ростовская обл., 347922, Россия

тел.: 8-800-550-53-05

(звонок по России бесплатный)

e-mail: morsfera@nslle.ru


11 Of., 4 Prem., 12, Petrovskaya Ul.,

Taganrog, Rostov region, 347922, Russia

tel.: 8-800-550-53-05

(toll-free in Russia)

e-mail: morsfera@nslle.ru


Water transport of the South of Russia 93

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