Водный транспорт Юга России 2019

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For more than ten years OOO

Tornado has been piloting

vessels on the sea and inland

waterways from the Kerch Strait to

Rostov-on-Don and Azov. And also

along the rivers Don, Volga, Kama.

All these years, the company has

been a reliable partner for participants

in sea and river transport.

The company is a member of the

national association of pilotage

organizations, a non-profit partnership

uniting non-state firms

operating in the market for these

services. It is also a member of the

non-profit partnership Water

Transport of the Don.

The team employs 22 highly

skilled pilots who can perform

their responsibilities both at sea

and on inland waterways. Specialists

of water transport know that

pilotage on the river is much more

complicated than that one on the

sea. And here, in the south of Russia,

the pilots of OOO Tornado are

second to none. Almost all pilots

of OOO Tornado began their work

on the river. And only having

gained some experience, having

worked for at least five years as

captains or foremen of ships, they

studied and received certificates

of pilots. More than half of the

team have two specialized educations.

All pilots are fluent in English.

Every five years, the pilotage

team undergoes re-certification

and receives attestation certificates

with a permit to work.

Every year OOO Tornado increases

the number of pilotage.

Thus, in 2017 there were 14,576,

and for nine months of this year

there have already been 14,126.

One of the distinctive peculiarities

of the company, as its partners

note, is the ability to work with the

optimal result. So, if the flow of vessels

with cargo increases, OOO Tornado

organizes round-the-clock

watch of pilots in order to eliminate

the delay of vessels in the port.

A significant increase in the intensity

of the movement of vessels

in the Azov-Don district, the

drift of rolls in the sea of ​Don-Donets,

Azov and Elizavetinskiy create

certain difficulties in the work

of pilots. It creates a very difficult

and often emergency situation for

escorting vessels. Captains, especially

those who came to our region

for the first time, cannot do

without the help of an experienced

pilot. The pilots of OOO Tornado

are fluent in this. We should not

forget about such a feature of navigation

on the Upper and Lower

Don: it is necessary to take into

account when the pilotage is carried

out which wind is blowing:

when lowering, water rises significantly,

and if the upper wind

blows, the water level drops

sharply. All these features are well

known to pilots of OOO Tornado,

which allows ships to navigate

without a trouble.

Efficiency, flexibility in terms of

pricing, trouble-free operation allows

to acquire permanent partners,

to expand the range of customers.

OOO Tornado is famous not only

for its pilots. Other professionals

show high results, as well. The Director

General was awarded the title

of The Best Transport Worker of

the Don. Participating in the federal

competition, the company’s chief

accountant became the accountant

of the year. The members of

the team were repeatedly awarded

with letters of appreciation by the

harbor master for providing quality


ул. Мясникова, 54, офис 401

г. Ростов-на-Дону,

344019, Россия

тел./факс: +7 (863) 251-29-65

сот.: +7-928-229-62-28

e-mail: pilotrostov@yandex.ru

401 Of., 54, Myasnikova St.,


344019, Russia

tel./fax: +7 (863) 251-29-65

mob.: +7-928-229-62-28

e-mail: pilotrostov@yandex.ru

Water transport of the South of Russia 95

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