OLIMP 41 - Hrvatski Olimpijski Odbor

OLIMP 41 - Hrvatski Olimpijski Odbor

OLIMP 41 - Hrvatski Olimpijski Odbor


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Tekst: RADICA JURKIN<br />

skih saveza, županijskih športskih zajednica i Zagrebačkog<br />

športskog saveza, otvoreno su govorile o temama<br />

koje, po njihovom mišljenju, duboko priječe uravnoteženost<br />

bavljenja športom u Hrvatskoj.<br />

No da se ipak napredovalo, govori činjenica da je u nacionalnoj<br />

politici za ravnopravnost spolova (2011.- 2015.)<br />

prvi put definiran prijedlog kako urediti ovo područje. O<br />

tome je govorila predstojnica Vladinog ureda RH za ravnopravnost<br />

spolova Helena Štimac Radin, naglasivši da<br />

je uravnoteženost zastupljenosti spola u bilo kojem području,<br />

pa tako i u športu, uvjet napredovanja hrvatskoga<br />

društva u cjelini.<br />

Koordinatorice su svoja stajališta koncipirale u smjeru<br />

uvođenja nacionalne statistike žena u športu, obveze<br />

izbora od 40 % do 2015. godine, politike prava na korištenje<br />

športske infrastrukture i planiranju kvalitete<br />

sadržaja, projekcije planskog i uravnoteženog stručnog<br />

usavršavanja, osposobljavanja i zapošljavanja u športu te<br />

osvješćivanju nenasilnog govora i ponašanja unutar športa<br />

općenito.<br />

17. Europski kongres fair playa<br />

u Poreču<br />

Pod visokim pokroviteljstvom<br />

hrvatskog predsjednika<br />

Ive Josipovića,<br />

Ministarstva znanosti,<br />

obrazovanja i športa, Europskih<br />

olimpijskih odbora<br />

(EOC) te Međunarodnog<br />

vijeća za športsku znanost<br />

i tjelesni odgoj (ICSSPE), a<br />

pod vodstvom predsjednika<br />

Europskog fair play<br />

pokreta Calosa Goncelvesa,<br />

u Poreču je od 28. do 30.<br />

rujna održan 17. Europski<br />

Miroslav Cerar<br />

fair play kongres i opća<br />

skupština Europskog fair<br />

play pokreta (EFPM) čiji su<br />

domaćini bili <strong>Hrvatski</strong> olimpijski<br />

odbor, <strong>Hrvatski</strong> fair<br />

play odbor (HFPO) i grad<br />

Poreč, član hrvatske marketinške<br />

olimpijske obitelji.<br />

U nazočnosti brojnih<br />

uglednika međunarodnog<br />

i hrvatskog športa (među<br />

kojima su bili dopredsjednik<br />

EFPM-a Miroslav Cerar,<br />

predsjednik HOO-a Zlatko<br />

Mateša, te predsjednica<br />

i tajnica HFPO-a Biserka<br />

Perman i Biserka Vrbek), Kongres je okupio brojne predstavnike<br />

europskih nacionalnih fair play odbora, europskih<br />

nevladinih sportskih organizacija, Europskih olimpijskih<br />

odbora (EOC), Europske nevladine športske organizacije<br />

(ENGSO) i hrvatske stručnjake i znanstvenike.<br />

Središnje teme bile su: „Šport kao dio kulture - fair play<br />

kao dio športske kulture“, „Mediji i nasilje u športu“, „Utjecaj<br />

športa na moralne promjene u društvu“, „Fair play i<br />

ponašanje navijača“ i „Etičko ponašanja trenera“.<br />

Solid support for European Games<br />

In Sochi, host of the 2014 Winter Olympics, General assembly of the European<br />

Olympic Committees’ (EOC) was held on 23 rd and 24 th of November. Under the<br />

chairmanship of the EOC President Patrick Hickey, the Assembly gathered more<br />

than 300 representatives from 49 national committees within the EOC, numerous<br />

members of the International Olympic Committee led by the IOC President<br />

Jacques Rogge, representatives of the Organizing Committees of the forthcoming<br />

summer and winter Olympic Festivals of European Youth (EYOF) and other<br />

notables of the European and international sports among which were also the<br />

Croatian representatives, president of the HOO (Croatian Olympic Committee)<br />

who is at the same time a member of the Executive Board of the EOC Zlatko<br />

Matesa, and Secretary General of the COC Josip Cop.<br />

The major topic of the EOC’s General Assembly was European games modeled<br />

on other continental games, for which the leadership of EOC commissioned<br />

a feasibility study. According to the report of the consulting company Deloitte<br />

(which conducted the study), these games are very likely, have a strong support<br />

of 28 European sports federations and financially could be more than useful for<br />

the development of European sports. Whether the European Games will become<br />

a reality depends on the decision of the members of the EOC assembly at the<br />

special session to be held on April 12 th , 2012, during the General Assembly of the<br />

Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC).<br />

For the first time the European Olympic Committees awarded the prize for the<br />

best young athlete, “Piotr Nurowski”, named after the President of the Polish<br />

Olympic Committee tragically deceased in 2010 in a plane crash. The award, on<br />

whose shortlist was also the Croatian female judo fighter Barbara Matic, won the<br />

Polish cyclist Tobiasz Lis.<br />

EOC’s Annual Awards for 2011 on the contribution to the development of<br />

European sports went to David Hemery, avice president of the British Olympic<br />

Committee, Alain Calmat, French Olympic silver medal winner in figure skating<br />

at the 1964 Innsbruck Winter Olympics and Luis Santos, president of the<br />

Portuguese Handball Association.<br />

The next, <strong>41</strong> st General Assembly of the EOC, will be held in 2012 in Eilat (Israel).<br />

We want balanced conditions for practicing sports!<br />

Under the leadership of the member of Croatian Olympic Committee and<br />

President of the Commission on women in sports, Morana Palikovic Gruden,<br />

in Opatija was held the 4 th seminary of the Network for Women, Female<br />

coordinators in sports.<br />

Female coordinators in sports, all of them with rich playing, organizational,<br />

administrative or management experience in the sports, more than 60 from the<br />

national sports federations, county sports communities and the Zagreb Sports<br />

Association, openly spoke about issues which, in their opinion, profoundly hinder<br />

the balance of sports activities in Croatia.<br />

However, some development was achieved, what also confirms the fact that in<br />

national policy on gender equality (2011 - 2015) the proposal to regulate this<br />

issue was defined for the first time. Helena Stimac Radin, head of the Croatian<br />

Government Office on Gender Equality, spoke about this issue, emphasizing<br />

that the balance of gender representation in any branch, as well as in sports, is a<br />

condition for advancement of Croatian society as a whole.<br />

The female coordinators drafted their positions through the following conclusions<br />

leading towards :<br />

a) keeping the national statistics on women in sports<br />

b) the obligations of electing at least 30 percent of women in managerial positions<br />

by the end of year 2012, and 40 by 2015.<br />

c) the policy of the right to use the sports infrastructure and planning of quality<br />

content<br />

d) raising the awareness of non-violent speech and behavior within the sports<br />

e) projections of planned and balanced professional development, training and<br />

employment in sports.<br />

61 Olimp

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