Kwiecień 2007 - Polska Izba Inżynierów Budownictwa

Kwiecień 2007 - Polska Izba Inżynierów Budownictwa

Kwiecień 2007 - Polska Izba Inżynierów Budownictwa


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What Insulation?<br />

The most important<br />

reason for insulating<br />

buildings is the<br />

considerable lowering<br />

of heating costs. Also,<br />

the walls are protected<br />

against dampness,<br />

freezing and mould; the<br />

insulation layer increases<br />

the building’s durability.<br />

The question remains<br />

– what type of insulation?<br />

Najistotniejszym powodem<br />

ocieplania budynków jest znaczne zmniejszenie kosztów ogrzewania budynku. Ponadto, ściany<br />

są ochraniane przed zawilgoceniem, przemarzaniem i zagrzybieniem, a warstwa ocieplenia<br />

zwiększa trwałość budynku. Pozostaje zatem jedno pytanie – jakie ocieplenie?<br />

fire code regulations, insulation system, noise transmission, structural weight, thermal conductivity, uniform temperature<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

4.<br />

Exterior thermal insulation is<br />

a means of both saving money<br />

and making your building more<br />

comfortable, as it stays warmer<br />

in the winter and cooler in the<br />

summer, and a (a).............................<br />

............. is maintained throughout<br />

the house. Insulation can also cut<br />

down on noise from outside by<br />

reducing (b).......................................<br />

through the building envelope.<br />

There are several ways of insulating<br />

the house from the outside,<br />

the most popular of which are<br />

expanded polystyrene (also called<br />

bead board) and mineral wool,<br />

both having excellent thermal<br />

insulation properties: they have a<br />

low (c).........................................., are<br />

breathable, and will aid the release<br />

of moisture through the wall.<br />

Expanded polystyrene is a relatively<br />

low cost material. It is lightweight,<br />

so it doesn’t significantly increase<br />

the overall (d)................................<br />

..........of the building. Although<br />

it is susceptible to mechanical<br />

damage, polystyrene foam doesn’t<br />

deteriorate, can be used universally<br />

even at very low temperatures<br />

and, once installed, will require<br />

no maintenance.<br />

(4) Although expanded polystyrene<br />

is an excellent insulator, (e)......<br />

.................................... restrict its<br />

KWIECIEŃ <strong>2007</strong><br />


5.<br />

use to low-rise buildings due to<br />

its high degree of flammability<br />

and low resistance to chemical<br />

substances. The alternative here<br />

is mineral wool, which can be<br />

used for buildings of any height<br />

because it provides better thermal<br />

performance and fire resistance;<br />

being non-combustible, it will not<br />

aid the spread of fire. On the other<br />

hand, in high humidity areas<br />

polystyrene may be preferable,<br />

as mineral wool can absorb<br />

moisture.<br />

When choosing an (f).................<br />

........................., there are several<br />

factors that need to be taken into<br />

consideration, among which are<br />

the R–value (insulating power)<br />

of the material, weight, density,<br />

repair costs, fire resistance, health<br />

and environment impact.<br />

W tekście pojawiają się słowa synonimy<br />

do słowa wetness – moisture, humidity,<br />

dampness. Mają one zbliżone<br />

znaczenia – wilgotność – nie są jednak<br />

identyczne. Wet oznacza to, co jest pokryte<br />

wodą, przemoczone, lub jeszcze<br />

nie suche – a wet umbrella, wet paint.<br />

Damp i moist znaczą lekko wilgotny,<br />

przy czym damp sugeruje nieprzyjemne<br />

zawilgocenie – damp, dirty walls; a<br />

moist chocolate cake. Humid odnosi<br />

się do nieprzyjemnie wysokiej wilgot-<br />

ności powietrza: hot, humid weather.<br />

take into consideration – wziąć pod<br />

uwagę<br />

once installed – gdy już zostanie<br />

zainstalowany; once oznacza również<br />

„jeden raz” – once a day; „kiedyś”, “raz”<br />

– I went to France by car once; at once<br />

oznacza „natychmiast” – Do it at once!,<br />

all at once – –wszyscy/ wszystko naraz<br />

– It happened all at once<br />

on the other hand – z drugiej strony;<br />

on the one hand – z jednej strony<br />

<br />

a)<br />

b)<br />

c)<br />

d)<br />

e)<br />

f)<br />

g)<br />

h)<br />

<br />

W powyższym tekście znajdź angielskie<br />

słowa odpowiadające poniższym<br />

definicjom. W nawiasie<br />

podano numer akapitu, w którym<br />

znajduje się dane słowo.<br />

one of several things that influence<br />

or cause a situation (5)<br />

the repairs that are necessary to keep<br />

something in good condition (3)<br />

the ability of a material to ignite<br />

and burn readily (4)<br />

not capable of igniting and<br />

burning (4)<br />

opposition, lack of response<br />

(4), (5)<br />

easily influenced or affected (3)<br />

the amount of water in the air (4)<br />

become worse (3)<br />

Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi<br />

słowami z zadania 1).<br />


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