Samaj Weekly Issue 328

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Sixty-fourth Parinirvan Day Commemoration of

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar at Ambedkar Hall, Southall

Commemoration opened with the

Buddhist prayer by Ven. Vijithavansa

Thero, Head of the Buddha Vihara,


The event began with an opening

speech from Mr Arun Kumar, General

Secretary of FABO UK. Paying tribute

to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, he

said that Dr Ambedkar was a national

leader par excellence. He worked for

all Indians irrespective of one’s caste,

religion, language or gender. The constitution

is not for one community, it

is for all Indians. Hindu Code Bill

also changed the lives of all Indian

women. It is pity that in India, one is

judged by one’s birth not worth. Had

he been born in so called upper caste,

he would have been worshipped in

every house hold. But Because of his

birth, he is generally referred to as a

Dalit leader. But the academics all

over the World are recognising his

contribution to the human rights


Ms. Santosh Dass MBE, President

of FABO UK said “On this day and

any other day when we mark

Babasaheb Ambedkar’s death or birth

anniversary or Constitution day we

must reflect on his struggles, achievements

and what he strove for to make

India’s society better. We have a duty

as Ambedkarites to live by

Babasaheb’s example of the continuation

of education of oneself and making

a social difference no matter

where we live. Babasaheb left us too

soon. He should have lived for at least

another 30 years. Today I want to

reflect briefly on Babasaheb and

womankind empowerment. He

believed in, and his work as the first

Labour minister and when drafting

the Constitution of an independent

India demonstrated was to empower

and improve the plight of the woman.

This was not only at home as part of

the Hindu Code Bill but also in the

workplace. As early as 1916 he had

written from Columbia University to

his father advocating the need for

education for girls and women to go

hand in hand with educating boys and

men”. Ms. Dass continued: “The

other thing I always reflect on daily is

what are the current issues that are not

in keeping with Babasaheb’s mission

that we need to raise our voice about.

I have huge concerns about the

democracy not working in India that

Babasaheb warned us about in a rare

BBC interview in 1953. Even at that

time, he talked about the political system

failing because puppets who have

been put up by the various parties

from our community to meet a proportional

representation of MLAs and

MPs. Not all MLAs and MPs carry

out the work with the courage expected

to improve the plight of our community.

There are serious issues to do

with the way the political systems and

democracy is working in India that is

failing our people right, left and centre

on a daily basis. Examples include

Demonetisation, the horse-trading of

MLAs to stay in power, the ebbing

away of the fundamental rights of

freedom of speech. Intellections and

activists like Dr Anand Teltumbde and

Soni Suri are labelled as Maoists.

They are threatened with imprisonment

because they have stood up

against the unfair actions or land-grab

of Corporates or the Government and

are labelled Maoists or being antinational.

This is absolutely outrageous.

We must stand shoulder to

shoulder with people who have the

courage to stand up and call the Indian

Government and the nationalists to

account. The other issue of concern to

me is EVM. This is failing our people.

Something is going wrong when we

get reports of loads of machines going

missing from areas where the vote

may go in a way the ruling party does

not want. So the principle of one man,

one woman vote, is being seriously

jeopardized. Another policy of concern

is to do with citizenship in India

– the Citizenship Bill. They are going

for the Muslims now but they will

come after us too. In this country,

we’ve seen Windrush as an example.”

Ms. Dass ended with the message “So

when we call ourselves Ambedkarites

we have to stand up and be counted.

We have to spell out what is right and

what is wrong and praise where praise

is due. Jai Bhim”.

Dr Prerna Tambay, FABO UK

Executive of Public Affairs and academic

researcher and champion of

gender equality said “On this day of

Dr Ambedkar’s death anniversary, I

pay my humble tribute to him. We are

because he was!!! Dr Ambedkar’s

seminal work “Caste in India (1916)”

says that caste originated and is sustained

by control over women.

Clearly then, if we want to solve the

problems created by caste, then freeing

women needs to be part of the

solution. 50% of India’s population is

between the age of 10 and 27. 50% of

these young people are women and

22% of these young people are casteoppressed

(SC+ST). Therefore, the

future of India depends on what these

60 odds % of people achieve in their

lives. Most women are limited to pink

professions in India including being a

homemaker and caste-oppressed people

are limited to undesirable professions.

This control over their employment

opportunities is exerted by

denying access to better education,

employment and enterprise opportunities

to these segments through visible

and invisible methods. They are

encouraged through cultural signaling

by society to take up professions

aligned to their caste and/or gender,

even if they may have a talent for

other professions. The privatization of

education has made education expensive,

preventing a large segment of

women and caste-oppressed from

receiving an education suitable to

their natural talent. Despite such signaling

and expensiveness of education,

if they take up better professions,

the well-established caste-gender networks

in these professions make it

difficult for them to succeed. Many of

them drop out of the race and return to

their caste-gender determined professions

or under-achieve, despite their

talent. As a result, a large proportion

of the Indian population is not able to

achieve their highest potentials.

Surely, this is not good for the GDP

of India. Consider the fact that digital

disruption is destroying the business

models sustaining the lives of large

segments of the Indian population,

which are not able to participate in

digital business models. Clearly, there

is a hidden genocide waiting to happen

as those whose livelihoods are

snatched by digital business models

and directly or indirectly are unable to

survive. The deterrent to caste and

gender crimes = The size of the punishment

X the chances of getting

caught for crimes X the chances of

getting convicted if caught. We all

know that caste and gender crimes go

unreported many a time, due to social

pressure as well as due to the justice

process being complex and difficult to


The justice process also becomes

difficult to access for many for its use

of complex ceremonies and use of the

English language. We all know that

powerful people and people connected

to them are hardly caught by the

police. And we all know how the lack

of jurisprudence in caste and gender

crimes is caused by the low conviction

rate. Finally, the size of the punishments

meted out to those found

guilty of these crimes is rarely large

and most of the time is small. So,

there is nothing surprising in the fact

that these crimes are not decreasing.

Our laws do not work well enough,

despite an admirable constitution.

Despite the lack of good education,

employment, enterprise opportunities

and the high number of caste and gender

crimes, if caste and genderoppressed

people raise their voice on

social media and in general in the

public domain, they are quickly

branded as Naxals or presstitutes or

sundry similar terms. There is trolling,

lynching, raping to silence them.

Those who speak out despite this are

always at risk. Most caste and genderoppressed,

despite their own views,

learn not to confront the system which

holds them in bondage.” She concluded

by saying that “Certainly, there is

the need for change. On the death

anniversary of Dr Ambedkar, let us

work towards building a coalition of

caste and gender-oppressed people in

India. “

Mr. Devinder Chander, chief editor

of Samaj weekly paper said that “Dr

Ambedkar fought against so many

obstacles and came out victorious.

Now it is our responsibility to continue

his legacy. He wanted the constitution

to be the emblem of liberty,

equality, fraternity, justice and we

need to strive that his dream come

true and remains true.”

Among other distinguished guests

who addressed the meeting were:

Harbans Lal Bali, Ramesh Klair,

Jagdish Gaware, Ranjit Boudh,

Sudhakar Goud and Gampa


The event concluded with a

vote of thanks from Mr.

Gautam Chakravarty. Arun

kumar anchored the event.

Jagdish Gaware

addressing the audience.

Mr. Virendra Sharma

former labour M P

addressing the gathering.

The audience at the parinirvana commemoration at Ambedkar

Hall, Southall.

Ranjit Boudh addressing the


Gampa Venugopal addressing the


Mr. Harbans Bali,

writer and poet reciting

his poem.

Singer- Monika, Tabla

by Karan, Harmonium

by Nirmal Guru.

Singer Ramaz, Tabla

by Karan.

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