19.11.2014 Aufrufe

Operationalisierung der regionalen Verwundbarkeit der ...

Operationalisierung der regionalen Verwundbarkeit der ...

Operationalisierung der regionalen Verwundbarkeit der ...


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Ähnlich resümieren Patterson et al. (2010) mit Bezug auf Hurrican Cathrina und in Hinblick<br />

auf die Bedeutung von Sozialkapital in <strong>der</strong> Community-Resilienz im Allgemeinen: "On the<br />

positive side, well functioning community organizations have the trust of their members and<br />

possess the moral authority to urge cooperative behavior and teamwork that government<br />

lacks. They also have strong abilities to assess needs and distribute goods and services<br />

efficiently and equitably. Thus, observers often stress the importance of including<br />

communities in disaster response and creating meaningful partnerships between<br />

communities and government agencies." (Patterson et al. 2010: 138)<br />

Ein ähnliches Resümee zieht Murphy (2007) aus dem Vergleich von Blackouts in Kanada<br />

und USA: "This paper distinguishes between two types of emergency management at the<br />

local scale—municipal government responsibilities and community-level initiatives. It argues<br />

that these are interdependent, but separate aspects of emergency management.<br />

Communities, whether or not tied to particular places, are posited as being key, but often<br />

overlooked resources in both proactive and reactive phases of emergency management. Of<br />

particular importance within communities are the social capital resources (networks of strong<br />

and weak ties) that may work to improve a community’s resilience to risks and hazards. Two<br />

cases studies, the 2003 electricity power blackout in the eastern parts of both Canada and<br />

the United States and the 2000 water-borne disaster in Walkerton are utilised to demonstrate<br />

the concepts developed in the paper." (Murphy 2007: 297)<br />

Sozialkapital ist auf verschiedene Weise für Community-Resilienz relevant. Ein wichtiger<br />

Aspekt - neben an<strong>der</strong>en - besteht darin, dass die Fähigkeit zur kollektiven Problemlösung vor<br />

allem vom Sozialkapital abhängt. Kollektive Problemlösungsfähigkeiten sind für Resilienz<br />

von entscheiden<strong>der</strong> Bedeutung, weil gerade die Komplexität gravieren<strong>der</strong> Krisen die<br />

Möglichkeiten <strong>der</strong> Top-Down-Steuerung übersteigt, wie Norris et al. die diesbezügliche<br />

Literatur resümieren: "Endangered communities must be able to learn about their risks and<br />

options and work together flexibly and creatively to solve problems. Longstaff (2005) argued<br />

that the capacity to acquire trusted and accurate information, to reflect on that information<br />

critically, and to solve emerging problems is far more important for community resilience than<br />

is a detailed security plan that rarely foresees all contingencies (see also Comfort 2005;<br />

Handmer and Dovers 1996). This point brings us to Community Competence, which we view<br />

as the networked equivalent of human agency, a term that is more broadly applicable across<br />

levels of analysis. Community competence has to do with collective action and decisionmaking,<br />

capacities that may stem from collective efficacy and empowerment." (Norris et al.<br />

2008: 141) Ähnlich sehen dies Cutter et al. (2008), die Kommandostrukturen als die<br />

Community-Resilienz schwächend bewerten (Cutter et al. 2008: 604).<br />

Dies wird empirisch gestützt, etwa durch Forschung zur Resilienz gegenüber Tsunami<br />

Ereignissen, zum Beispiel von Berke et al. (2008): "Findings indicate that social capital<br />

represents a potential for collective action, but design of aid programmes may prevent such<br />

action. Programmes that emphasised bottom-up aid delivery mobilised local social capital<br />

and directed it toward obtaining resources that fit local needs and capabilities. Alternatively,<br />


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