29.01.2015 Aufrufe

(Cottus gobio) in der Schweiz - Bundesamt für Umwelt

(Cottus gobio) in der Schweiz - Bundesamt für Umwelt

(Cottus gobio) in der Schweiz - Bundesamt für Umwelt


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Literaturverzeichnis Mitt. zur Fischerei 77<br />

TOMLINSON M.L., PERROW M.R. (2002). The ecological Requirements of the Bullhead (<strong>Cottus</strong><br />

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UTZINGER J., ROTH C., PETER A. (1998). Effects of environmental Parameters on the Distribution<br />

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Journal of Applied Ecology. 35. pp. 882-892.<br />

WANZENBÖCK J., LAHNSTEINER B., MAIER K. (2000). Pelagic early Life Phase of the Bullhead <strong>in</strong><br />

a freshwater Lake. Journal of Fish Biology. 56/6. pp. 1553-1557.<br />

WATERSTRAAT A. (1992). Populationsökologische Untersuchungen an <strong>Cottus</strong> <strong>gobio</strong> L. und an<strong>der</strong>en<br />

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WELTON J.S., MILLS C.A., RENDLE E.L. (1983). Food and Habitats Partition<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> two small benthic<br />

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WELTON J.A., MILLS C.A., PYRGOTT J.R. (1991). The Effect of Interaction between Stone Loach<br />

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WITKOWSKI A. (1972). Characteristic of <strong>Cottus</strong> <strong>gobio</strong> L. from Streams Dziko Orlica and<br />

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ZAUGG B., STUCKI P., PEDROLI J.-C., KIRCHHOFER A. (2003). Pisces Atlas. Fauna Helvetica. 7.<br />


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