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tramnews - Hanning & Kahl

tramnews - Hanning & Kahl

tramnews - Hanning & Kahl


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Neue Signalisierung für den Betriebshof PotsdamNew signalling for Potsdam depotThomas Nagel. When assembly work started for the new depotcontroller at Potsdam Babelsberg on 11th December 2009,winter was waiting in the wings with snow and low tempera -tures. No one could forecast that this snow would still be on theground at the end of February. Looking back, it was one of thelongest winters for decades, but inclement weather could notkeep anyone from commissioning the depot controller punctuallyand successfully. As the popular saying goes, there is no suchthing as bad weather - just the wrong clothes.In spring 2009, VerkehrsbetriebePotsdam GmbH (VIP) tenderedfor a new controller for theirdepot at Babelsberg to replacethe ”old“ controller which hadbeen commissioned in 2001.The interlocking control systemand the trackside interlockprocessors were in stored pro -gram control (SPC) version withSimatic S5 AG115U (SPC) asinterlock processor. An SPS S7 –CPU 315 was used on the centrallevel, and VICOS OC-11 stationsfor operation and display.As a result of the outdatedoperating system on the controllevel PCs for operation anddisplay (Windows NT), the datedPC hardware, and discontinuationof different hardware components(e.g.: SIMATIC S5) with difficultspare-part supply, the customerhad to make serious investmentsbefore the end of the desiredservice life of the equipment.Further functions were alsorequested, including enhancedsafety for driving and controlcentre staff, recording of switchingoperations, DCF-time synchroni -sation and more drivingpossibilities.The aim was to keep costsmanageable by only replacingsome of the components. At thebeginning, all outdoor instal -lations (HW60 O-Z pointmachines, signals and blockingcircuits) were to be retained. Theequipment used to control andmonitor points and blockingcircuits was also to remain in use.The original plan to retain thecomponents for signal control andmonitoring was abandoned earlyon by the customer and theassessor in favour of reliableHANNING & KAHL equipment.Many additional secured routeswere made possible with the aidof extra route-start signals.Alongside the depot controller,implemented by HANNING &KAHL’s HN-P and VAB’s Operate& Observe, VAB’s depot mana -gement system (BMS) was alsoreplaced with a more modernversion. HANNING & KAHLmastered these tasks in closecooperation with VAB profes -sionally and efficiently as always.We would also like to thank ourcustomers for their excellentcollaboration.The time frame planned forimplementation in two part lots in2009 and 2010 was substantiallyshortened with installation com -pleted before Christmas 2009.We handed over a state-of-theart,reliable depot controller,distributed among three controlcabinets, containing HN-P vitalinterlocking controllers for control,monitoring and reading-in of20 points, 20 signal aspects and30 blocking circuits.The central data collector waspositioned in a data-processorroom where it processes routerequests and ensures communi -cation between the HN-Ps andthe O&O in the central controlroom. This data collector replacesthe “old“ central level formerlyserved by the S7 – CPU 315. Thediagram above left illustrates thesystem architecture of thecontroller and the communicationpaths of the individual com -ponents.Apart from greater ease ofoperation via the O&O userinterface, the BMS depot mana -gement system also offers a myriadof additional functions, rangingfrom automatic route selection,visualisation of siding location andvehicle status, to resourcescheduling and work shop planning.HANNING & KAHL has proventhat creating interfaces to othersystems is a solvable task. Othercustomers may well think aboutreplacing some elements in orderto increase the availability andservice life of signalling installationsor depot controllers in one step.thomas.nagel@hanning-kahl.com343Darstellung des Betriebshof-Gleisbildes „Bedienen & Beobachten“”Operate and Observe“ depottrack diagram4Stellplatzanzeige des BetriebshofmanagementsystemsBMSParking place display of thedepot management system11

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