31.07.2015 Aufrufe

Einsatzbereiche neuartiger Transportsysteme zwischen Bus und Bahn

Einsatzbereiche neuartiger Transportsysteme zwischen Bus und Bahn

Einsatzbereiche neuartiger Transportsysteme zwischen Bus und Bahn


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A b s tr a c tVAbstractThe research discusses developments and applications of new types ofintermediate rubber-tyred transport systems between a bus and a tram,intended for operation in inner city areas. Intermediate transport systemsbetween a bus and a tram are here defined as low-floor, high-capacityvehicles based on modern bus technology, operating on high-qualitytracks with their own right-of-way. There has so far only been a very limitedamount of knowledge and experience of these transport systems. Acomprehensive picture will therefore be presented of the advantages anddisadvantages. This research paper is also intended to help in the decision-makingprocess when deciding on new planned systems.An important component of this research is a more detailed classificationof the vehicle concepts relating to bus and light rail. It also includes acomprehensive investigation of the vehicles and track infrastructure. Operationalmaturity is critically assessed on the basis of the technical andeconomic practicability of the individual vehicle and track system components.These include the vehicle and drive concept, components such asguidance, power supply, electronic coupling, and track construction. It isclear that for general use well-established vehicle and rail technology isstill to be preferred for the time being.In addition the route that individual cities have taken is presented andusing their implementation of the systems as an example, the range ofapplication of the intermediate transport systems is shown from the viewpointof transport planning. Transport planning implementation and designparameters are illustrated. As a complex decision such as the selectionof a transport system is per se neither universally valid nor expressiblein facts and figures, the performance spectrum of these types ofvehicles is compared in a planning survey, which includes systemspecific,technical and operational, urban planning and economic aspects.Prerequisites for the continuing process of determining suitabilityare that for each individual case the overall community objectives, compatibilityof use, and the operational programme must be known in advance.

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