20.11.2017 Aufrufe

Köln 3 17

Event: Der Zülch-Preis · Art & Culture: Save The World Hotel · Interview: Angelique Kerber · Travel: Südafrika

Event: Der Zülch-Preis · Art & Culture: Save The World Hotel · Interview: Angelique Kerber · Travel: Südafrika


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finest fashion | 9 b<br />

This season’s colour palettes are<br />

on high alert, as the signal colour red is<br />

dominating the catwalks of the world.<br />

Combining it with mysterious blacks, creates<br />

an elegant, rebellious trend, which is<br />

also reflected in the striking cuts of en<br />

vogue styles.<br />

www.dior.com<br />

www.luisacerano.com<br />

www.luisacerano.com<br />

Die Kopfbedeckung präsentiert sich<br />

zur kühlen Saison klassisch-elegant.<br />

www.roeckl.com<br />

The headpieces in this season present<br />

themselves in a classy way.<br />

www.roeckl.com<br />

www.marc-cain.com<br />


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