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Germany Yearbook - 2000_ocr

Germany Yearbook - 2000_ocr

Germany Yearbook - 2000_ocr


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8<br />

General Introductory Notes<br />

Souroes<br />

M ost o f the figures published for <strong>Germany</strong> have been derived from statistics<br />

prepared by the Federal Statistical Office and the Statistical Offices of the<br />

Länder. This is not specially indicated in the individual case. References to<br />

sources are included only for tables whose material was contributed by<br />

other agencies.<br />

The items S o u rce s a n d fu r th e r In fo rm a tio n of each section refer to<br />

Information on publications o f the Federal Statistical O ffice showing in<br />

greater detail additional and in part com m ented resutts not contained in the<br />

<strong>Yearbook</strong>. Where the O ffice can provide data by means o f electronic media,<br />

this is specially indicated. The L is t o f p u b lic a tio n s on page 714ff.<br />

shows the entire publication Programme of the Federal Statistical Office and<br />

also refers to publications o f the federal m inistries, o f other federal agencies<br />

and of the Statistical Offices o f the Länder.<br />

Territory<br />

Due to the accession o f the form er German Dem<strong>ocr</strong>atic Republic to the<br />

Federal Republic o f <strong>Germany</strong> on 3 October 1990, the data shown in the<br />

present <strong>Yearbook</strong>, starting wfth the <strong>2000</strong> edition, refer to <strong>Germany</strong><br />

uniess otherwise indicated; regulär notes on the reference territory are<br />

no longer included.<br />

For reasons o f comparison, data fo r the form er territory o f the Federal<br />

Republic and for the new Länder and Berlin-East are still shown in some<br />

sections. The following definitions and territorial delim itations apply;<br />

- Data for the territory o f the Federal Republic o f <strong>Germany</strong> sirtce 3 O ctober<br />

1990:<br />

Deutschland (<strong>Germany</strong>).<br />

Also used for all-German resutts relating to periods before 3 O ctober<br />

1990.<br />

- Data for the territory of the Federal Republic of <strong>Germany</strong> incl. Berlin-W est<br />

before 3 O ctober 1990:<br />

Früheres Bundesgebiet (Former territory of the Federal Republic).<br />

- Data for the new Länder and Beriin-East or the form er GDR and Berlin<br />

(East):<br />

Data from 3 O ctober 1990 and tabies/charts containing data for the<br />

tim e before a n d after 3 O ctober 1990:<br />

Neue Länder und Bertin-Ost (New Länder and Beriin-East).<br />

If results are available only for the new Länder (excl. Beriin-East) these<br />

are referred to as »Neue Länder« (New Länder).<br />

Results for the period before 3 O ctober 1990:<br />

Gebiet der ehern. DDR (Territory o f the form er GDR).<br />

In the past, the form er GDR and Berlin (East) practicaily form ed one economic<br />

area for whlch only common data are available. The denomination<br />

»Gebiet der ehern. DDR« (Territory of the form er GDR) thus does not<br />

imply any Statement on the form er legal Status of Berlin (East).<br />

- The W estern and Eastem parts of Berlin are referred to as<br />

»Berlin-West« and »Berlin-Ost«, respectively,<br />

for the Präsentation of results for the period since 3 O ctober 1990 and<br />

for presentations induding results for periods before and after 3 O ctober<br />

1990,<br />

and as<br />

»Berlin (West)« and »Berlin (Ost)«, respectively,<br />

for the Präsentation of results for the period before 3 O ctober 1990.<br />

Presentation of data for the other countries<br />

Territory and state names and spelling used in this <strong>Yearbook</strong> are taken from<br />

the Verzeichnis der Staatennamen für den amtlichen Gebrauch in der<br />

Bundesrepublik D eutschänd which is updated by the Federal Foreign Office<br />

and published in the Gemeinsames M inisterialblatt. The form of presentation<br />

does not imply any confirmation or recognition of the poiitical Status of a<br />

country or the borders of its territory.<br />

Confidentialfty<br />

W here individual data cannot be shown for reasons of Statistical confidentiality,<br />

this is specially indicated in every case. However, the individual data<br />

are included in the totais and subtotals.<br />

Rounding of figures<br />

Figures have in general been rounded w ithout taking account of the totais,<br />

so that there may be an apparent slight discrepancy between the sum of<br />

the constituent items and the total as shown.<br />

Tabletitles<br />

To avoid overcharging of the table titles, no tim e reference has been<br />

included where it can be derived from the table contents.<br />

DecomPosition of totais, Summation<br />

The c o m p le te breakdown o f a total is indicated by the term »davon« (of<br />

which), separate recording of only part o f the constituent items by the term<br />

»darunter« (mci.). For the partial Segregation by different variables that<br />

c a n n o t b e s u m m e d up, the words »und zwar« (viz.) are used. The<br />

term s »davon« (of which) and »darunter« (incl.) have not been used where<br />

composition and wording o f table heading and stub clearly indicate a<br />

decomposition of totais.<br />

Generally, plus (+ ) and minus ( - ) signs in table headings or stubs are to be<br />

considered as a rule for calcuiating, and as an algebraic sign when shown in<br />

the part containing figures. Where tw o m inus signs occur (as a rule for<br />

calcuiating and as an algebraic sign), the result is thus to be determ ined by<br />

adding.<br />

Methodology and explanation of terms<br />

M ethodological references and explanations o f term s used in the tables are<br />

generally included in the introductory note o f each section.<br />

Classifications<br />

Where tables are subdivided in term s o f subject-m atter, the underiying<br />

classifications are indicated in the notes. W here possible, the full wording of<br />

the Classification items has been used. For reasons o f space, it has however<br />

been necessary - in partkxdar fo r the »Klassifikation der W irtschaftszweige«<br />

or the »Systematik der W irtschaftszweige« (Industrial Classification of<br />

Economic Activities) - to use uniform abbreviations which however cover<br />

the entire contents of the respective positions. W here abbreviations have<br />

been used, this is specially indicated.<br />

Sex-neutral deslgnatlone<br />

The tasks of women in private und public life have changed. To properly reflect<br />

this Situation, form ulations used in draft laws, ordinances, and administrative<br />

provisions should either be sex-neutral or refer to both sexes (cf.<br />

German Bundestag, m inutes o f the plenary proceedings of the 211th Session<br />

on 11 May 1990, p. 16 630; Bundesrat, printed paper 496/91, decision<br />

of 29 November 1991). This has been taken into account fo r Statistical<br />

publications, too, such as the present Statistical <strong>Yearbook</strong>. In some cases,<br />

however, such form ulations have not been used in Order to keep the texts<br />

and tables readabie. The designations used in those cases should be interpreted<br />

as sex-neutral; thus they refer to both women and men.<br />

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