20.04.2020 Aufrufe

VGB POWERTECH Issue 1/2 (2020)

VGB PowerTech - International Journal for Generation and Storage of Electricity and Heat. Issue 1/2 (2020). Technical Journal of the VGB PowerTech Association. Energy is us! Sector coupling. RWE Project ALIGN-CCUS. Passive acoustic imaging in power plants.

VGB PowerTech - International Journal for Generation and Storage of Electricity and Heat. Issue 1/2 (2020).
Technical Journal of the VGB PowerTech Association. Energy is us!
Sector coupling. RWE Project ALIGN-CCUS. Passive acoustic imaging in power plants.


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<strong>VGB</strong> PowerTech 1/2 l <strong>2020</strong><br />

<strong>VGB</strong> Events | Events<br />

<strong>VGB</strong> Events <strong>2020</strong><br />

Congress/Kongress<br />

<strong>VGB</strong> Kongress <strong>2020</strong><br />

<strong>VGB</strong> Congress <strong>2020</strong><br />

100 Years <strong>VGB</strong><br />

mit Fachausstellung/<br />

with technical exhibition<br />

9 and 10 September <strong>2020</strong><br />

Essen, Germany<br />

Kontakt:<br />

Ines Moors<br />

T: +49 201 8128-274<br />

E: vgb-congress@vgb.org<br />

Fachausstellung:<br />

Angela Langen<br />

T: +49 201 8128-310<br />

E: angela.langen@vgb.org<br />

Konferenzen | Fachtagungen<br />

<strong>2020</strong><br />

<strong>VGB</strong>-Konferenz<br />

KELI - Konferenz zur<br />

Elektro-, Leit- und<br />

Informationstechnik <strong>2020</strong><br />

<strong>VGB</strong> Conference<br />

KELI - Conference for Electrical<br />

Engineering, I&C and IT in<br />

Generation Plants <strong>2020</strong><br />

mit Fachausstellung/with technical exhibition<br />

(12.) 13./15. May <strong>2020</strong>,<br />

Bremen, Germany<br />

Kontakt:<br />

Ulrike Künstler<br />

T: +49 201 8128-206<br />

Ulrike Hellmich<br />

T: +49 201 8128-282<br />

E: vgb-keli@vgb.org<br />

<strong>VGB</strong> Conference<br />

Maintenance of<br />

Wind Power Plants <strong>2020</strong><br />

19 and 20 May <strong>2020</strong><br />

Mannheim, Germany<br />

Contact:<br />

Ulrich Langnickel<br />

T: +49 201 8128 238<br />

Akalya Theivendran<br />

T: +49 201 8128 230<br />

E: vgb-maint-wind@vgb.org<br />

<strong>VGB</strong>-Fachtagung<br />

Brennstofftechnik und<br />

Feuerungen <strong>2020</strong><br />

mit Fachausstellung/with technical exhibition<br />

26./27. Mai <strong>2020</strong>,<br />

Hamburg, Germany<br />

Kontakt:<br />

Barbara Bochynski<br />

T: +49 201 8128-205<br />

E: vgb.brennstoffe@vgb.org<br />

<strong>VGB</strong>-Konferenz<br />

Dampfturbinen und<br />

Dampfturbinenbetrieb <strong>2020</strong><br />

<strong>VGB</strong> Conference<br />

Steam Turbines and Operation<br />

of Steam Turbines <strong>2020</strong><br />

mit Fachausstellung/with technical exhibition<br />

17/18 June <strong>2020</strong>,<br />

Cologne, Germany<br />

Kontakt:<br />

Diana Ringhoff<br />

T: +49 201 8128-232<br />

E: vgb-dampfturb@vgb.org<br />

<strong>VGB</strong>-Chemiekonferenz <strong>2020</strong><br />

<strong>VGB</strong> Conference Chemistry <strong>2020</strong><br />

mit Fachausstellung/with technical exhibition<br />

27 to 29 October <strong>2020</strong>,<br />

Dresden, Germany<br />

Kontakt:<br />

Ines Moors<br />

T: +49 201 8128-274<br />

E: vgb-chemie@vgb.org<br />

Seminare | Workshops<br />

<strong>2020</strong><br />

<strong>VGB</strong>-Workshop<br />

Öl im Kraftwerk<br />

24. und 25. März <strong>2020</strong>,<br />

Bedburg, Deutschland<br />

Kontakt:<br />

Diana Ringhoff<br />

T: +49 201 8128 232<br />

E: vgb-oil-pp@vgb.org<br />

<strong>VGB</strong> Workshop<br />

Digitalization in Hydropower <strong>2020</strong> -<br />

Implemented innovative digital<br />

measures, products and tools<br />

22 and 23 April <strong>2020</strong><br />

Graz, Austria<br />

Contact:<br />

Dr. Mario Bachhiesl<br />

T: +49 201 8128 270<br />

E: vgb-digi-hpp@vgb.org<br />

<strong>VGB</strong> Workshop<br />

Flue Gas Cleaning <strong>2020</strong><br />

6 and 7 May <strong>2020</strong><br />

Dresden, Germany<br />

Contact:<br />

Ines Moors<br />

T: +49 201 8128 274<br />

E-mail: vgb-flue-gas@vgb.org<br />

<strong>VGB</strong>-Thementag<br />

Thementag Windenergie - Umwelt-,<br />

Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz<br />

14. Mai <strong>2020</strong>,<br />

Essen, Deutschland<br />

Kontakt:<br />

Gerda Behrendes<br />

T: +49 201 8128 313<br />

E: vgb-thement-wind@vgb.org<br />

<strong>VGB</strong>-Workshop<br />

11. Emder Workshop Offshore<br />

Windenergieanlagen – Arbeitsmedizin<br />

11. und 12. September <strong>2020</strong>,<br />

Emden, Deutschland<br />

Kontakt:<br />

Gerda Behrendes<br />

T: +49 201 8128-313<br />

Guido Schwabe<br />

T: +49 201 8128 272<br />

E: vgb-arbeitsmed@vgb.org<br />

<strong>VGB</strong>-Fortbildungsveranstaltung<br />

für Immissionsschutz- und<br />

Störfallbeauftragte<br />

24. bis 26. November <strong>2020</strong>,<br />

Höhr-Grenzhausen, Deutschland<br />

Kontakt:<br />

Gerda Behrendes<br />

T: +49 201 8128-313<br />

E: vgb-immission@vgb.org<br />

– Sub ject to chan ge –<br />

Aus kunft zu allen Ver an stal tun gen<br />

mit Fachausstellung:<br />

www.vgb.org/<strong>VGB</strong>_Veranstaltungen.html<br />

Telefon: +49 201 8128-310/299,<br />

E-Mail: events@vgb.org<br />

<strong>VGB</strong> Po wer Tech e.V., Deilbachtal 173, 45257 Essen, Telefon: +49 201 8128-0,<br />

Fax: +49 201 8128-350, E-Mail: in fo@vgb.org, In ter net: www.vgb.org<br />

Exhibitions and Conferences<br />

KERNTECHNIK <strong>2020</strong><br />

5 and 6 May <strong>2020</strong>, Berlin, Germany<br />

KernD and KTG e.V.<br />

www.kerntechnik.com<br />

52. Kraftwerkstechni sches<br />

Kolloquium <strong>2020</strong><br />

6. und 7. Oktober <strong>2020</strong>, Dresden, Deutschland<br />

Technische Universität Dresden<br />

www.tu-dresden.de<br />

Enlit (POWERGEN Europe)<br />

27 to 29 October <strong>2020</strong>,<br />

Milano, Italy<br />

www.powergeneurope.com<br />


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