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Overall, we are optimistic about this segment’s operations in the future. We continue to believe that<br />

transmission pipeline opportunities can provide strong profitability, although these projects and the profits they<br />

generate are often subject to various risks beyond our control. We have also taken steps to diversify our<br />

operations in this segment through other services, such as pipeline integrity and gathering system opportunities,<br />

and to restructure our gas distribution operations to improve margins. We believe these measures, together with<br />

the potential in transmission pipeline opportunities, will position us for profitable growth in this segment over the<br />

long-term.<br />

Telecommunications Infrastructure Services Segment<br />

Our telecommunications services operations are seeing increasing opportunities as stimulus funding for<br />

broadband deployment to underserved areas continues to progress through the engineering phase into<br />

construction. Approximately $7.2 billion in funding has been awarded under the ARRA for numerous broadband<br />

deployment projects across the U.S. To receive funding for these projects, however, awardees are generally<br />

required to file environmental impact statements, the approval of which has delayed projects. While some of<br />

these projects are still waiting on required permits and approvals, most of the projects have received approvals<br />

and are moving forward with construction. As awardees receive their environmental impact permits and ARRA<br />

funding, projects are being rapidly deployed to meet stimulus deadlines that require completion of projects within<br />

three years, which will extend through 2013 for many projects. We anticipate this deployment schedule will<br />

increase spending for telecommunications services through 2013. We also anticipate some of our customers that<br />

received stimulus funding to continue to expand their networks even though stimulus funding may no longer be<br />

available.<br />

We expect spending to continue by our customers on fiber optic backhaul systems to provide links from<br />

wireless cell sites to broader voice, data and video networks. The substantial growth in wireless data traffic is<br />

significantly straining the capacity of traditional backhaul infrastructure. Capacity constraints, as well as the need<br />

for improved quality and reliability, are driving wireless carriers to upgrade existing backhaul systems to fiber<br />

optic backhaul systems using fiber optic cable, referred to as “fiber to the cell site” initiatives. In addition, several<br />

wireless companies have announced plans to increase their cell site deployments over the next few years,<br />

continue network enhancement initiatives and accommodate the deployment of next generation wireless<br />

technologies. In particular, the transition to 4G and LTE (long-term evolution) technology by wireless service<br />

providers will require significant modification of their networks and new cell sites. We also believe opportunities<br />

remain over the long-term as a result of fiber build-out initiatives by wireline carriers and government<br />

organizations, although we do not expect spending for these initiatives to increase significantly over the levels<br />

experienced in the past two years. We anticipate that the opportunities in both wireline and wireless businesses<br />

will increase demand for our telecommunications services over the long-term, with the timing and amount of<br />

spending from these opportunities being dependent on future economic, market and regulatory conditions and the<br />

timing of deployment of new technologies.<br />

Fiber Optic Licensing Segment<br />

Our Fiber Optic Licensing segment is experiencing growth primarily through geographic expansion, with a<br />

focus on markets where secure high-speed networks are important, such as markets where enterprises,<br />

communications carriers and educational, financial services and healthcare institutions are prevalent. We<br />

continue to see opportunities for growth both in the markets we currently serve and new markets, although we<br />

cannot predict the adverse impact, if any, of economic conditions on these growth opportunities. Our growth<br />

opportunities, however, have been affected in the education markets, which has in the past comprised a<br />

significant portion of this segment’s revenues. We believe this slowdown is due to budgetary constraints,<br />

although these constraints appear to be easing somewhat. Our Fiber Optic Licensing segment typically generates<br />

higher margins than our other operations, but we can give no assurance that the Fiber Optic Licensing segment<br />

margins will continue at historical levels. Additionally, we anticipate the need for continued capital expenditures<br />

to support the growth in this business.<br />


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