Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution

Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution

Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution


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INDEX. 243<br />

Page.<br />

Carex polyraorpha 13<br />

saxatilis 13<br />

subulata 13<br />

tentaculatrt 33, 50<br />

tetanica, var. Woodii 24<br />

virescena 50<br />

vulpinoidea 50<br />

Carices, Dates given for, thoae of developed<br />

perigynia 59<br />

How to collect 216<br />

Carolina CranesbiU 71<br />

Carpet-weed 81<br />

Carpinus 112,183<br />

Americana 29<br />

Carrion Flower 121<br />

Carroll Estate 21<br />

Carrot 83<br />

Carya 111,182<br />

alba 20<br />

tomentosa 48<br />

Caryophyllaceae 51, 52, 68<br />

Gary ophyllese 51<br />

Cascade Kun 20<br />

Cases for the herbarium, Proper dimensions<br />

of 225<br />

Cashew Family 73<br />

Cassandra calyculata 12<br />

Cassia 76, 158<br />

Castanea 114, 184<br />

pumila 48<br />

vulgaris, var. Americana 48<br />

Castor-oil Bean 110<br />

Catalogue of the Local Flora 9<br />

of the Plants of Illinois 43<br />

Private, of beginners, "When to<br />

commence making a 218<br />

Catalogue-makers, Tendency of, to expand<br />

their catalogues unduly , . . . 10, 16<br />

Catalogues, rarely tabulated 39<br />

Cata!pa 103, 177<br />

Catbrier 121<br />

Catchfly 68<br />

Catnip 105<br />

Cat-tail 117<br />

Family 117<br />

Caulophyllum 63, 149<br />

thalictroides 22, 29<br />

Ceanothus 72, 155<br />

ovatus 22<br />

Cedar 137<br />

Celandine 64<br />

CelastracesB 51, 72<br />

Celastriueae 51<br />

Celastrus 72, 155<br />

Celtis 111,182<br />

occidentalis, var. crassifolia 13<br />

Cenchrus 136, 199<br />

echinatus 13<br />

Centaurea 92, 169<br />

Centaury 98<br />

Centrosema Virginianum 12<br />

Cephalanthus 84, 163<br />

C erastium 68, 152<br />

oblongifolium 30, 49<br />

viscosum 28<br />

Page.<br />

Cerastium vulgatum 30, 238<br />

Ceratodon 140, 202<br />

CeratophyllacesB 51, 117<br />

Ceratophyllese 51<br />

Ceratophyllum 117, 1 85<br />

Cercis 76, 158<br />

Canadensis 3U, 48<br />

Chajrophyllum 82, 162<br />

Chain Bridge 21<br />

Chain-Fern 138<br />

Chamtelirium 122, 188<br />

Carolinianum 20<br />

Chamomile 91<br />

Changing plants from wet to dry papers, Pro-<br />

cess of, described 221<br />

Chapman's Flora of the Southern <strong>States</strong>,<br />

Compilations from 37, 43<br />

Chara 144,207<br />

vulgaris 13<br />

CharaceaJ 144<br />

furnished by Dr. E. Foreman 10<br />

how classed 10<br />

Charlock 66<br />

Cheat 133<br />

Checkerberry 95<br />

Check-list 148<br />

Cheilanthes 137, 199<br />

Chelidonium 64, 149<br />

Chelone 101, 175<br />

ChenopodiacesB 107<br />

Chenopodium 107, 1 79<br />

Cherry 77<br />

Chervil 82<br />

Chess 133<br />

Chestnut 48, 114<br />

Chestuut-Oak 48, 113<br />

Chiccory 92<br />

Chickasaw Plum 77<br />

Chickering, Professor J. "W., jr., Valuable<br />

assistance rendered by 6<br />

Chickweed 68,69<br />

Chiloscyphus 143, 206<br />

Chimaphila 95, 171<br />

maculata 49<br />

umbeUata 49<br />

Chinquapin 48, 114<br />

Chinquapin-Oak 113<br />

Chionanthus 97, 172<br />

Choke-Berry 78<br />

Choke-Cherry 77<br />

Choke-dog 98<br />

Chondrilla 93,170<br />

Christmas Fern 139<br />

Shield-Fern 139<br />

Chrysanthemum 53, 92<br />

Chrysogonum 90, 167<br />

Virginianum 30,238<br />

C hrysopsis 86, 165<br />

Mariana 49<br />

Chrysosplenium 79, 100<br />

Americanum 27<br />

Cichorium<br />

'.<br />

92, 169<br />

Cicuta 82,162<br />

Cimicifuga 63,149<br />

racemosa 49

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