Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution

Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution

Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution


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tHelianthus strumoaus, L.<br />


Not common. September.<br />

Heliauthus strumosus, L., var. mollis, Gray.<br />

P'orms of the precediug with the under surface of the leaves quite downy occur,<br />

and may be referred here. September,<br />

Helianthus divaricatus, L.<br />

July.<br />

tHelianthus decapetalus, L.<br />

July, August.<br />

Helianthus doronicoides, Lam.<br />

September.<br />

HeUanthus tuberosus, L. Jerusalem Artichoke.<br />

Waste places in the city. Late in September and in October.<br />

tActinomeris squarrosa, Nutt.<br />

September.<br />

Verbesina Siegesbeckia, Michx. Crownbeard.<br />

September.<br />

Coreopsis tinctoria, Radius. Tickseed.<br />

Escaped in a few places. June.<br />

t Coreopsis verticillata, L. Whorled Coreopsis.<br />

Middle to end of June. Well worthy of cultivation.<br />

t Coreopsis tripteris, L. Tall Coreopsis.<br />

Bluffs below Chain Bridge, Va., High Island, and near Langley. August.<br />

Coreopsis discoidea, Torr. & Gray.<br />

Holmead Swamp. September.<br />

tBidens frondosa, L. Common Beggar-ticks.<br />

August, September.<br />

tBidens cernua, L. Smaller Bur-Marigold.<br />

Very variable. September, October.<br />

tBidens chrysanthemoides, Michx. Larger Bur-Marigold.<br />

July, August.<br />

tBidens bipinnata, L. Spanish Needles.<br />

August, September.<br />

tHelenium autumnale, L. Sneeze-weed. Autumn Sneezewort.<br />

August,<br />

t Achillea Millefolium, L. Yarrow. Milfoil.<br />

June.<br />

Authemis arvensis, L. Corn Chamomile.<br />

May to October.<br />

tMaruta C'o

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