Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution

Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution

Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution


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244 INDEX.<br />

Cinna 131,195<br />

Cinnamon Fern 139<br />

Cinque-Foil 78<br />

Ciicisa 81,161<br />

Cirsium 92<br />

Cistaceae 51, 66<br />

Cistineas 51<br />

Claggett Estate 21<br />

Clammy Azalea 95<br />

Chickweed 68<br />

Ciipbea 80<br />

ClassLflcation adopted 50<br />

Claytonia 69, 153<br />

Virginica 28, 33<br />

Clayton's Cliff-Brake 138<br />

Flowering Fern 139<br />

Clearweed Ill<br />

Cleavers 84<br />

Clematis 61,148<br />

ochroleuca 24, 55<br />

Climacinm 142,204<br />

Climbing Bittersweet 72<br />

Boneset 86<br />

False Buckwheat 108<br />

Fern 139<br />

Hemp-weed 86<br />

Cliff-Brake 138<br />

Clitoria 76,157<br />

Mariana 25<br />

Closed Gentian 98<br />

Clotbur 90<br />

Clothed Lip -Fem 137<br />

Clover 74<br />

Club-Moss 139,140<br />

Family 139<br />

Club-Eusb 126<br />

Clump-head Grass 126<br />

Cnicus 92, 169<br />

pnmilus 12<br />

Cockle 68<br />

Cocklebur 90<br />

Cockspur Thorn 79<br />

Spines of the, as dissecting<br />

needles 211<br />

Colic-root 120<br />

Colic-weed 64<br />

Collecting, Essential apparatus for 213<br />

Collection of Plants 212<br />

an art 210, 212<br />

Collinsonia 104, 177<br />

Canadensis 49<br />

Collinson's Flower 104<br />

Columbine 62<br />

Comandra 110, 181<br />

Comfrey 99<br />

Commelyna 124, 189<br />

CommelynacesB 124<br />

Common Addor's-Tongue 139<br />

Afirrimony 78<br />

Ameiican Dodder 100<br />

Beggar- ticks 91<br />

Blueberry 94<br />

Blue Violet 67<br />

Cat -tail 117<br />

Chain-Fern 138<br />

Common Chickweed 68<br />

Dandelion 93<br />

Day-ilower 124<br />

Everlasting 89<br />

Flax 71<br />

Hair-Grass 134<br />

Hop Ill<br />

Horsetail 137<br />

Hound's-Tongue 99<br />

Mallow 70<br />

Meadow-Grass 132<br />

Milkweed 97<br />

Moming-Glory 100<br />

Motherwort 106<br />

Mulleru 101<br />

Names 54<br />

Tendency of naturalists to<br />

eschew 54<br />

in how far approved 54<br />

Uses of 55<br />

Occasional persistency of . 55<br />

not repeated for each spe-<br />

cies of a genus 59<br />

Nightshade 100<br />

Pimpernel 96<br />

Plantain 106<br />

Polypody 137<br />

Rush 123<br />

Smartweed 108<br />

Sow Thistle 93<br />

Speedwell 102<br />

St. John's-wort 70<br />

Stramonium 101<br />

Sunflower 90<br />

Thistle 92<br />

Wood-Fern . -. 139<br />

Comparison of the Flora of 1830 with that<br />

of 1880 11<br />

Comparisons of the local flora with other<br />

floras 36-47<br />

Compositse 85<br />

Genera in, that have been<br />

changed by Bent ham and<br />

Hooker in the Genera Plantarum<br />

53<br />

Composite Family 85<br />

Comstock, J. M., Discovery by, of Ophio-<br />

glossura vulgare 139<br />

Comstock, Professor J. H., Plants discovered<br />

by 24,84,111<br />

Discovery by,<br />

of Viburnum pubescens 84<br />

of Morus alba Ill<br />

Concluding Remarks 55<br />

Cone-Flower 90<br />

Conifera3 137<br />

Conoclinium 86, 165<br />

Conopholis 103, 176<br />

Convolvulaceae 100<br />

Convolvulus 100, 174<br />

Coral-berry 84<br />

Corallorhiza 120, 187<br />

Coral-root 120<br />

Cord-Grass 132<br />

Coreopsis 91, 168

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