Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution

Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution

Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution


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INDEX. 247<br />

Page.<br />

Eleocharis paliistris 50<br />

quadrangulata 26<br />

Elephantopus 85, 164<br />

Elephant's Foot 85<br />

Eleusine 132, 195<br />

Ellisia 99,174<br />

Elm 110<br />

Elm-leaved Golden Rod 87<br />

Elodes 51,70,153<br />

Elymus 134, 197.<br />

Vii'ginicus 50<br />

Enchanter's Nightshade 81<br />

Engt'lmann, Dr. George, Revisions by 52<br />

Eni;lish Hawthorn 79<br />

Maiden-hair 138<br />

Plantain 106<br />

Enslenia 98, 173<br />

En.slen'8 Vine 98<br />

Epigita 95, 171<br />

lepens 28<br />

Epi lobium 80, 161<br />

Epiphegus 103, 176<br />

EquisetaceSB 137<br />

Equisetum 137,199<br />

hyemale 28<br />

Eragrostis 133,196<br />

pectinacea 50<br />

Erechthites 92,169<br />

Erianthus 136, 199<br />

EricaceiB 52, 94<br />

Erigen ia 82, 162<br />

bnlbosa 22, 23, 29<br />

Erigeron 89, 167<br />

bellidifolins 31<br />

Eriocaulon 124, 190<br />

gnaphalodes 124<br />

Eriocaulonaceje 124<br />

Eriophorum 126, 191<br />

Erodium 71, 154<br />

cicutarium _ 29<br />

Eryngium 82, 162<br />

Eryngo 82<br />

Erysimum 66, 151<br />

Erythronium 122, 188<br />

albidum 22, 23, 30<br />

Americanum 28, 29, 50<br />

E.ssex County, Massachusetts, Comparison<br />

of the flora of, with the<br />

local flora 39, 42, 44<br />

Flora of, more thoroughly<br />

elaborated than that of<br />

moat other localities ... 41<br />

Etiolated state of Carex tentaculata 33<br />

Euonymus 72, 155<br />

Eupatorium 85, 164<br />

purpureum 49<br />

Euphorbia 110,181<br />

commutata 29<br />

obtusata 13<br />

Euphorbiaceas 110<br />

European Vervain 104<br />

Evening Primrose * 81<br />

Family 80<br />

Evergreen "Wood-Fern 139<br />

Evorlastmg 89<br />

PBge.<br />

Everlasting Pea 76<br />

Exchanging Specimens 232'<br />

Explanations 56<br />

Express Companies, When cheapest to pat-<br />

ronize the 234<br />

Fagopyrura 108, 181<br />

Fagus 114,184:<br />

ferruginea<br />

4&'.<br />

False A sphodel 12»<br />

Beech-drops 96'<br />

Boneset 85;<br />

Buckwheat 108<br />

Choke-dog 98<br />

Dragon-head 106<br />

Flax 6&-<br />

Foxglove 102"<br />

Grom well 100'<br />

Lettuce 93-<br />

Loosestrife 81<br />

Nettle Ill<br />

Pennyroyal 104<br />

Pimpernel 102v<br />

Spikenard 122'<br />

Sunflower 90<br />

Farlow, Professor "W. G la-<br />

Fashion, How to render useful 55, Sff.<br />

February, Plants flowering in 2S-<br />

Feeder of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. 21'<br />

Feeder-Dam Island 22'<br />

Fedia 53,85,164<br />

Fegatella 143, 20ff<br />

Fern-leaved False Foxglove ! 102<br />

Ferns 137<br />

Classification of, adopted<br />

52'<br />

Fescue-Grass ISS"<br />

Festuca 133,196<br />

nutans 50<br />

Ficoidese 81<br />

Field Garlic 121<br />

Larkspur ,<br />

62<br />

Pennycress 65'<br />

Scorpion-Grass 99-<br />

Sorrel lOS'<br />

Field-glass, Uses for the, in collecting 215-<br />

Figwort 101<br />

Family 101<br />

Filago 167<br />

Germanica 10<br />

Filbert 112<br />

Filices 137<br />

Fimbristylis 126, 191<br />

capiUaris 2»<br />

Finger-Grass 135<<br />

Fiorin 131<br />

Fire-weed<br />

92'<br />

Fish-glue, for mounting plants<br />

227"<br />

Fissidens 141, 202^<br />

Five-Finger<br />

78"<br />

Flats of the Potomac 21<br />

Flat-Top 85^<br />

Flax 70, 71<br />

Family 70-<br />

Fleabane 89*<br />

Floating Foxtail Grass 130»

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