Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution

Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution

Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution


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INDEX.<br />

Page.<br />

Population in 1830 and 1880 of Virginia 15<br />

Popiilua - 116, 1.^'4<br />

alba<br />

20,28<br />

grandidentata 29<br />

heterophylla<br />

monilifera<br />

tremuloides<br />

Portfolio, how it sliould be made 213<br />

Pretended improvements in the . . 213<br />

Kind of paper best for the 214, 217<br />

Devices for holding plants firmly<br />

in the<br />

13<br />

30<br />

13<br />

214<br />

Directions for filling the 216, 217<br />

Portulaca 69,153,222<br />

Portiilacaceae 51, 69<br />

Postal laws, Unnecessary stringency of, in<br />

forbidding the transmission of partially<br />

written labels with specimens 234<br />

Post-Oak<br />

112<br />

Potamogeton 118, 185<br />

Claytonii<br />

24<br />

diversifolium 13<br />

fluitans 13<br />

hybridus 23<br />

pauciflorus - 23<br />

Potentilla 78,159<br />

Canadensis 30, 49<br />

Poterium 78, 159<br />

Canadense 25<br />

Sanguisorba 10<br />

Potomac-Side Naturalists' Club, Catalogue<br />

published by the 16<br />

Pottia 141,202<br />

Poverty-Grass<br />

'.<br />

131<br />

Prairie Willow 116<br />

Prenanthes 53, 93<br />

Preservation of Plants 218<br />

should not be begiin<br />

too soon 210<br />

Press, how made 219<br />

Pressing plants, Directions for 219<br />

Pressure, Degree of, best for plants 220<br />

how applied 220<br />

how long it should be continued. . 221<br />

Plants that will not bear much. . . 222<br />

Prickly Ash 71<br />

Pear 81<br />

Primrose Family 96<br />

Primrose-leaved Violet C7<br />

Primulaceas 96<br />

Prince's Feather . . . : 108<br />

Pine 95<br />

Proceedings of the American Academy of<br />

Arts and Sciences, Kevlsions, &c., pub-<br />

lished in the 52<br />

Prodromus Florie Columbiana;,<br />

Plants in the, how designated in the<br />

catalogue 11,59<br />

plants enumerated in the, but not now<br />

found. List of 12<br />

Classification of the 14, 15<br />

Plants enumerated in the, but not iden-<br />

tified<br />

13<br />

Probable errors of the 15, 16<br />

Number of synonyms in the 16<br />

Prodromus Florte Colnmbianae,<br />

Number of plants now found but not<br />

enumerated in the<br />

Proserpinaca<br />

Prunus<br />

Ptelea<br />

Pteris<br />

aquilina<br />

Pterocaulon pycnostachyum<br />

25T<br />

Page,<br />

17"<br />

80, 161<br />

76, 158<br />

71,154<br />

138,200'<br />

Ptilidium<br />

144, 266^<br />

Public Schools, Study of botany in the 57<br />

Puccoon<br />

99<br />

Pulse Family<br />

73<br />

Purple Azalea 49, 95<br />

Gerardia<br />

102-<br />

Meadow-Rue<br />

6V<br />

Milkweed<br />

97-<br />

Thorn-Apple<br />

101<br />

Willow<br />

11&<br />

Purplish Cudweed<br />

S*<br />

Purslane 6»<br />

Family<br />

69"<br />

Speedwell<br />

102-<br />

" Pussley " GS'<br />

Putty-root<br />

120^<br />

Pycnanthemum<br />

104, 178<br />

Pylaisffia<br />

Pyrola<br />

elliptica<br />

secunda<br />

Pyrus<br />

Quamoclit<br />

Quercitron<br />

Quercua<br />

alba<br />

coccinea<br />

falc.ata<br />

ilicifolia<br />

macrocarpa<br />

50'<br />

12<br />

aristatum 13 -<br />

incanum :.<br />

49^'<br />

lanceolatum<br />

24<br />

linifolium : 49 '<br />

Torreyi 21,23:<br />

142,204<br />

95, 17I'.<br />

21<br />

21<br />

51'.<br />

lOO'<br />

113-<br />

112, 183<br />

4S-<br />

48<br />

48<br />

238<br />

palustris ,- 48:<br />

Systematic position of. . 525:<br />

prinoides<br />

Prinus<br />

Quick-Grass<br />

Quitch-Grass<br />

24<br />

25"<br />

4S;<br />

134!<br />

13*<br />

Eabbit-foot Clover<br />

74'<br />

Kacomitrium 141, 203<br />

Kadish<br />

66<br />

Radula 143,206-<br />

Ragged Fringed Orchis<br />

119'<br />

Ragweed 90»<br />

Ragwort<br />

92<br />

Ramsted ../<br />

101<br />

Range of the local flora<br />

10<br />

RanunculacesB<br />

61<br />

Ranunculus<br />

62, 148;<br />

abortivus 29<br />

var. micranthus 29, 32<br />

ambigens<br />


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