Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution

Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution

Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution


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Prunus Chicasa, Michx. Chickasaw Plum.<br />

Fort Maliaii. Third week in April.<br />

Prunus spinosa, L. Sloe. Black Thorn.<br />

Eoadside above Benning's. Third week in April.<br />

tPrunus Virginiana, L. Choke-Cherry.<br />

Opposite Alexandria (Professor Seamau). Hunting Creek (Dr. Vasey, 18'77).<br />

Prunus serotina, Ehrh. Black Cherry.<br />

Middle of May.<br />

t Spiraea saUcifolia, L. Meadow- Sweet.<br />

Very rare ;<br />

not seen since 1874.<br />

Spiraea Aruncus, L. Goat's-beard.<br />

First half of June.<br />

tNeillia opulifolia, Benth. & Hook. ISpiraa opulifoUa, L.] Nine-Bark.<br />

Last week in May.<br />

tGillenia trifoliata, Moench. Indian Physic. American Ipecac.<br />

End of May.<br />

tRubus occidentalis, L. Black Raspberry.<br />

Last of May or first of June ; fruit rijie before the end of June.<br />

tRubus villosus, Ait. Blackberry.<br />

A variety was found May 17, 1874, which is "between B. villosus and E. trivialis"<br />

(Gray). It has single flowers on long peduncles. Last half of May ; fruit in July;<br />

autumnal flowers September 22 and October 27, 1878.<br />

tRubus Canadensis, L. Dewberry.<br />

iliddle of May ; fruit, third week in July.<br />

Rubus hispidus, L. Running Swamp-Blackberry.<br />

Second week in June.<br />

Rubus cuneifolius, Pursh. Sand-Blackberry.<br />

Insane Asylum. First of June.<br />

tGeum album, Gmel. Avens. Herb Bennett.<br />

July.<br />

tGeum Virginianum, L.<br />

Hunting Creek. July.<br />

Geum strictum, Ait.<br />

Hunting Creek. Last of May or first of June.<br />

Geum vernum, Torr. & Gray. Spring Avens.<br />

Georgetown College Grounds. End of April.<br />

tFragaria Virginiana, Duchesne. Strawberry.<br />

May ; wild fruit not ripe till June.<br />

Fragaria Indica, Andr. Mock Strawberry.<br />

Mount Vernon; Georgetown College Grounds (Chickering). Last half of May;<br />

fruit ripe early in June.

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