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142 ETON AGAIN, AND HOLIDAYS, 1882-1890 [cHAl'. x<br />

and as for the conductor, it was for him exactly like singing<br />

with 209 voice-power. I have known exhilarating moments<br />

in life, especially the opening of a run with the foxhounds<br />

on a fine day, and the sensation on a high glacier in the<br />

Alps at 8 a.m. on a bright moonlight night with congenial<br />

companions ; but for the kind of co-operative joy which<br />

causes a real forgetfulness of self, give me the conducting<br />

of a chorus of high-spirited youngsters sufficiently drilled<br />

to follow the beat with real attention, and with really good<br />

music to sing. The delight is not only in the sensation<br />

of vigour, rhythm, and corporate effort, but in knowing<br />

that the chorus are being nourished for all their lives<br />

long by food for wholesome emotion which will never<br />

be forgotten or grow stale.<br />

Meantime, sporadic efforts were made by individuals.<br />

The project of some chamber music was mooted to<br />

Barnby. He hinted at the considerable expense involved.<br />

We quoted Oscar Browning's gallant efforts<br />

at introducing classical music into Eton circles in 1878,<br />

when a quartette of obscure local talent was hired and<br />

Brahms was perfonned on Saturday evenings without<br />

rehearsal. Ba.rnby admitted that the performance was<br />

cheap ; but it should be borne in mind that " cheapness "<br />

is a word with more than one meaning. Many of the<br />

listeners found Brahms a new name in 1878---somewhat<br />

obscure, and made that the ·criterion of . his greatness,<br />

like the East Anglian rustics who rated their vicar as a<br />

" rale fine preacher" because he quoted Greek ; but the<br />

explanation lay in the singular fact that "not unfrequently<br />

the instruments were twentY: bars apart" I The· projeet'<br />

was dropped.<br />

Towards the end of these years (1882-90) there was<br />

given in College Hall. a noble performance of the Elijall<br />

as a treat to the boys, certainly one of the best things of<br />

the kind ever heard in Eton: .The great Santley was still<br />

in his prime and most kindly gave his services, singing,<br />

of c_ourse, the principal part with superb finish and intense<br />

emotion, but in depth of interpretation, Barnby used to

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