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peated heedlessly and culpably by many who ought to<br />

know better.<br />


A day or two ago I read one of those journalistic<br />

effusions which show our countrymen at their very worst.<br />

It was a long, laboured sneer at country parsons, badly<br />

written, dull, and untrue. To sneer at a whole class of<br />

men is to break the ninth commandment. Ther.e is no<br />

class, no section or group of men and women, who can<br />

be collectively condemned with any shadow of justice,<br />

and I do not envy the editor and the writer their feelings<br />

about this calumny, if ever they come to a right mind.<br />

The pitiful fact is, that this stuff is supposed to attract<br />

purchasers of the periodical. If it does actually do so,<br />

then one more nail is being driven into the coffin of the<br />

British character ; and it means that our sense of humour<br />

is dying too, for no literary garbage is so dull as a badly<br />

written calumny. If it does not attract, then I am sorry<br />

for the editor who hoped that it would. There are one or<br />

two facts about country parsons which the public ought<br />

to know but are very slow to learn: (1) A decided<br />

majority of the eminent men mentioned in the Dictionary<br />

of National Biography were brought up in clerical homes,<br />

mostly sons of country parsons. (2) Any headmaster of<br />

a school like Haileybury or Marlborough, up till lately<br />

frequented by parsons' sons, knows that u a class those<br />

boys were the backbone of the school. (8) Any exception<br />

is noted, as it is always a surprise. People don't expect<br />

it. Why not ! Because past experience has taught<br />

them to expect the contrary. (4) There is a fine tribute<br />

paid by the eminent historian Lecky, in his book on<br />

European Morals, to the work of country parsons, and<br />

especially of their wives. The passage occurs among<br />

chapters written with conspicuous reserve of feeling and<br />

showing a strong anti-ecclesiastical bias ; thus the strength<br />

of the words is all the more arresting when they are taken<br />

with their context, Doubtless there are slackers in that

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