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80 ETON [CHAP.m<br />

sympathy felt, and a wonderful amount of preventive work<br />

done with care and tact began to drive vice into holes and<br />

corners, instead ofletting it flaunt its hideous face in public.<br />

Foremost in this noble work was my old friend H. E.<br />

Luxmoore; who is still with us, full of vigour at eighty-two,<br />

a fine specimen of what Dean Hole's garaener described<br />

as an "octogeranium." Very gradual and unnoticed<br />

was the improvement, and it was retarded in some few<br />

houses ; but both at Eton and elsewhere, as far as I know,<br />

by 1906, no house existed which would be charged with<br />

the flagitious neglect which was common in 1870.<br />

The question of the secret of Eton's spell will be considered<br />

presently._ Here I must point out that it is possible<br />

to exaggerate the number of boys who have passed through<br />

the school with feelings of cordial affection for the place.<br />

For if the truth were known, the number who leave her<br />

chilled at heart is considerable. They are those who<br />

have never reached positions of influence--members of<br />

the community who have never quite got " into the<br />

swim," but were all the time fine specimens, full of quiet<br />

grit of character, and later on showed themselves men of<br />

sterling worth and sometimes of conspicuous ability.<br />

These are they who have had the gift of constancy and<br />

patience ; seeing without bitterness many a meaner soul<br />

preferred 'by an intolerant and blindly judging society.<br />

It should be remembered that at Eton a peculiarity of<br />

the position was the absence of the monitorial system. At<br />

every other school boys of merit and fair ability would<br />

be officially recognized as being. among the leading boys,<br />

though often they were unathletic and consequently<br />

likely to be ignored by ·the vulgwt. At any rate, they<br />

received the mark of adult approval, but how poor and<br />

unsubstantial a meed is that compared with the unthinking<br />

admiration of the multitude I<br />

Something, indeed a good deal, must be put down to the<br />

beauty of the place. The admonitwt locorum; as Cicero<br />

expresses it, tells in different degrees on every temperament;<br />

but very many must have been touched by the

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