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CALVERLEY 271<br />

alludes to some animal or Insect, In a tone of symPathy<br />

equalled by no one except perhaps Burns, in the eighteenth<br />

century. How much we owe our love of animals<br />

to the poets I Blake's sentiments seem to have been<br />

shared by very few; only by Burns, Cowper, Wordsworth,<br />

and Shelley.<br />

I cannot forbear a tribute to a writer of singularly<br />

limited horizon, but a unique eombination of humour with<br />

scholarship and perfect versification. Calverley's parodies<br />

require to be mentioned with encomium, or they will die.<br />

Their savour is too literary, too Latin, perhaps, to be<br />

welcomed by the multitude ; yet if read aloud, as of<br />

course they ought to be, many of them would soon be<br />

in the best sense popular. The diction is so perfect for<br />

the purpose of the poems that the rhyming skill is generally<br />

obscured. But a test should be applied. Take any<br />

skilful rhymester and you can nearly always detect which<br />

of the two rhyming words is the more important, and the<br />

other you can see has been selected to support it. But<br />

Calverley never lets us into his secret ; for he seems to<br />

love the right word far too well to choose any other whatever,<br />

and lo I it is found to be in rhyme I<br />

The exquisiteness of his scholarlike diction preparing<br />

for a bathos is illustrated supremely in a stanza of " The<br />

Organ Grinder," which Montagu Butler-and who better<br />

qualified ?-pronounced to be Calverley's greatest triumph.<br />

The subject was the hilarity of the organ music which<br />

tempts a motley horde of. the popula.ce to dance on the<br />

pavements:<br />

No• with clumay .Taob and Oeorgeo:<br />

Unprofaned by grasp of ..._<br />

Haidena apeed tboae oimple orgiea,<br />

Beta.r .r ..... with Bet.y Anne.<br />

Dr. Butler, in writing about Calverley in his prefatory<br />

note to one of the full editions of his poems, made a<br />

characteristic slip. The delightful story turns on Calverley<br />

at Harrow just saving himself from trouble by<br />

having learnt by heart one ridiculous sentence only in

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