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in any one of us was that which had been given us in childhood.<br />

It is'llot easy to explain how we escsped all contact<br />

with the two great teachers of England (Lightfoot and<br />

Westcott), but so it certainly was.<br />

The moral tone of the college was what might have been<br />

expected. Some of us were grievously perplexed at hearing<br />

at least three dons in responsible positions spoken of as<br />

often the worse for liquor. Among the steady-going<br />

typical old heads of colleges and tutors, the undisguised<br />

appreciation of good wine struck us as a little out of date.•<br />

Disgusting orgies were still kept up by a handful of young<br />

fools who kept the Beef-steak Club going ; and an old<br />

Cantab country gentleman who sent his son to Eton in<br />

1888 boasted that his college-Magdalene-had been one<br />

of the best in the university, " with three or four members<br />

of the Beef-steak I" The clubs had no purpose or meaning,<br />

except drunkenness at stated intervals.<br />

Moreover, there was a large ingredient of the jeunesse<br />

dorle, called the " Jesus Lane lot," who lived in lodgings<br />

in that locality and spent not some, but the whole, of their<br />

time in roystering. Some of them rode, some played<br />

games ; but the majority were addicted to Bacchanalian<br />

orgies and gambling in different degrees of excess, and not<br />

one of them made any attempt whatever to do any honest<br />

reading for his degree. As far as I can learn, these were<br />

direct descendants of the old port-wine drinking squires,<br />

common all over the country in 1840 and not quite extinct<br />

in 1880. I doubt if a Bingle instance of such a type could<br />

be found in either university to-day, so astonishing has<br />

been' the change.<br />

• A ....,....kable figure waa "Ben Latham," the Haater of Trinity Hall.<br />

After he publiabed hio illuminating and wholly edifying P!Uior p..,,........,<br />

hio lldvioe waa 1011ght by oome of the minority of fathen who were really<br />

omrioiD about the - prlncipleo of oonduot being taught to their IIOD.II<br />

omd ooe of them ...........tJy uked •• Beo" wba\ parting lldvioe should ba<br />

sivatohiollld(Mheooooigned blm tothedootor'afatberly.....,)! •• Well,"<br />

llllid Ben olowly, taldDg a plnoh of muft. " \ell blm. whatever he doeo. not<br />

to b1q hio tohwry •• c.mbridp." Whether aoourata or not, the otory<br />

ill-1M tho atmaopbon of the timeo. ·

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