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ASPR Journal, V14 - Iapsop.com

ASPR Journal, V14 - Iapsop.com


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,<br />

Clairvoyant (?) Dream. 595<br />

down reflecting over his condition and whether perhaps the internal<br />

medication with iodine could benefit. (I forgot to state that I had<br />

used iodine that morning on a part of the gum in my mouth.) The!n<br />

I went down and joined my wife and Miss Steiner in the library.<br />

Miss Steiner said that she had just peeped into Dr. Swain's room,<br />

that the curtains were drawn and the room was quite dark, but she<br />

could see him indistinctly, apparently still asleep. This was about a<br />

half hour after I had been in Dr. Swain's room myself. Even if he<br />

had awakened at the moment, he could not have recognized either<br />

Miss Swain or myself because the room was too much darkened.<br />

At 2 P. M. Ida, the maid, rapped at Dr. Swain's door and awakened<br />

him, and presently he came down to the library dressed for<br />

dinner. He said, 1 I didn't think you would be back from church S()<br />

early, your church is so far away.' We went into the dining room<br />

and Swain, continuing to talk, said, 1 I had a very vivid dream about<br />

you: it may have been three quarters of an hour ago. I dreamt you<br />

came into my room dressed in a yellow shirt, and you had a yellow<br />

liquid on your teeth, and after studying me awhile, you went to the<br />

bath room and then to your study, and in your study you meditated<br />

profoundly on my condition and whether the yellow liquid could be<br />

effective.' Miss Steiner and I exchanged looks. I replied, 1 Dr.<br />

Swain, I really was in your room bending over you [and] listened a<br />

long time to your breathing. The room is very familiar to me and I<br />

could find you in the dark; and then I went to my study to meditate<br />

over your condition.' Dr. Swain stood aghast; he said, • Did you<br />

meditate over my condition in your study?' I said, • Yes, sir.' I<br />

believe if I had used the Freudian method of psychoanalysis, I could<br />

have penetrated into the profoundest depths of his subconscious at<br />

that time; but he appeared enough upset already and our next efforts<br />

were directed to assuring him, and we took him out to an auto<br />

ride ... .<br />

" P. S. I omitted to state that on that Sunday I wore a yellow<br />

silk shirt, a shirt which was given me as a Christmas present, and<br />

which I ordinarily do not like to wear, because of its color; but as I<br />

wished to get some use out of it, I put it on this Sunday, for when I<br />

have my coat on, very little of the shirt can be seen. The description<br />

of the color of the shirt and that it stopped at the waist line, and of<br />

the yellow color on the teeth by Dr. Swain, is most striking."<br />

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