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Chapter 9: Wireless LANs<br />

Airodump and aircrack are very simple to run in Windows. You simply download<br />

and extract the aircrack programs, the cygwin Linux simulation environment,<br />

and the supporting peek files from http://aircrack-ng.org and<br />

you’re ready to capture packets and crack away!<br />

A longer key length, such as 128 bits or 192 bits, doesn’t make WEP exponentially<br />

more difficult to crack. This is because WEP’s static key scheduling algorithm<br />

requires that only about 20,000 or so additional packets be captured to<br />

crack a key for every extra bit in the key length.<br />

The wireless industry came up with a solution to the WEP problem called<br />

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA). WPA uses the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol<br />

(TKIP) encryption system, which fixes all the known WEP issues. WPA2,<br />

which replaced the original WPA, uses an even stronger encryption method<br />

called Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication<br />

Code Protocol (say that fast three times), or CCMP for short, based on the<br />

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). WPA and WPA2 running in “enterprise<br />

mode” require an 802.1x authentication server, such as a RADIUS server,<br />

to manage user accounts for the WLAN. Check with your vendor for WPA<br />

updates.<br />

For non-enterprise wireless APs (and there are plenty out there in business),<br />

there’s no good reason to not be running WPA2.<br />

You can also use aircrack to crack WPA and WPA2 pre-shared keys (PSKs).<br />

To crack WPA-PSK encryption, you have to wait for a wireless client to<br />

authenticate with its access point. A quick (and dirty) way to force the reauthentication<br />

process is to send a de-authenticate packet to the broadcast<br />

address. This is something my co-author, Peter T. Davis, and I cover in detail<br />

in our book, Hacking Wireless Networks For Dummies.<br />

You can use airodump to capture packets and then start aircrack (you can<br />

also run them simultaneously) to initiate cracking the pre-shared key by<br />

using the following command-line options:<br />

#aircrack-ng -a2 -w path_to_wordlist <br />

CommView for WiFi is my tool of choice for WEP/WPA cracking. It’s simple<br />

to use and works well. Cracking WEP or WPA is simply a matter of 1) loading<br />

CommView for WiFi, 2) starting a packet capture on the wireless channel you<br />

want test, and 3) clicking the Tools menu and selecting either the WEP or<br />

WPA Key Recovery option. A recovered WEP key is shown in Figure 9-7.<br />


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