Sve~ana akademija - Drustvo Srbije za borbu protiv raka

Sve~ana akademija - Drustvo Srbije za borbu protiv raka

Sve~ana akademija - Drustvo Srbije za borbu protiv raka


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Beogradu. Doneo je veliko znawe i rezultate<br />

jednog od najve}ih patologa svog vremena.<br />

U najpoznatijoj kwizi tog doba iz<br />

patologije, profesora Pika, poglavqe:<br />

„Bojewe preparata”, upravo je obradio<br />

\or|e Joannovi}.<br />

On je svojim samopregorom i entuzijazmom,<br />

<strong>za</strong>raznim u to vreme, obezbedio da se<br />

sagradi zgrada Instituta <strong>za</strong> patologiju,<br />

koja je tada bila jedna od tri najmodernije<br />

u Evropi, <strong>za</strong>jedno sa londonskom i<br />

be~kom.<br />

I dan danas mi u~imo patologiju svoje<br />

studente u toj istoj zgradi. I u aoli te<br />

zgrade nalazi se bista \or|a Joannovi}a.<br />

Tokom 80 godina Dru{tvu je bila<br />

namewena te{ka i odgovorna misija da<br />

izu~ava i da suzbija rak koliko god je to<br />

mogu}e, da se suprotstavqa bolesti sa<br />

kojom se vi{e decenija borimo na<br />

razli~ite na~ine, a i danas <strong>za</strong> mnoge od<br />

tih bolesti ne mo`emo re}i da im znamo<br />

uzrok. I danas, na`alost, bez obzira na<br />

sva dostignu}a tehnologije, na mnogo ve}a<br />

znawa koja imamo, danas su pre svega<br />

bolesti srca i krvnih sudova, ali odmah<br />

posle wih ~etvrtina svih uzroka smrti na<br />

Evropskom kontinentu su maligne bolesti.<br />

^uvawe zdravqa, wegovo unapre|ewe,<br />

otkrivawe bolesti kad god je mogu}e u<br />

najranijoj mogu}oj fazi i wihovo izle-<br />

~ewe, misija je koja je ostala ista ne samo<br />

ovih nekoliko desetina godina, ve} mo`e<br />

se re}i nekoliko vekova. Za nekoliko<br />

dana u Srbiji obele`i}emo osam vekova<br />

prve bolnice. Godine 1207. u manastiru<br />

„Studenica” Sveti Sava je <strong>za</strong>po~eo bolni~ki<br />

sistem u Srbiji koji i dan danas<br />

razvijamo.<br />

Bez obzira na velike lomove, Jugoslovensko<br />

dru{tvo <strong>za</strong> izu~avawe i suzbijawe<br />

<strong>raka</strong> i Dru{tvo <strong>Srbije</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>borbu</strong> <strong>protiv</strong><br />

<strong>raka</strong> prolazilo je kroz velike probleme.<br />

Danas, mo`da mnogo vi{e nego ranije,<br />

imamo potpuno jasnu svest. Sa rakom se ne<br />

mo`e izboriti samo onkolo{ka struka.<br />

Danas je onkolog svaki lekar. Svaki lekar<br />

mora da ima znawe o tome da je primarna<br />

prevencija ono {to mo`e potpuno da<br />

spre~i bolest i da je razgovor sa boles-<br />

16<br />

Belgrade. He contributed his vast knowledge<br />

and achievements of one of the greatest<br />

pathologists of his time.<br />

It was \or|e Joannovi} who elaborated<br />

the Chapter called "Marking of preparations"<br />

in the most renowned book of pathology,<br />

of the time, written by professor Pick.<br />

He was the one who, engaging his self-sacrifice<br />

and enthusiasm, which was contagious<br />

at the time, brought to life the construction of<br />

the Pathology Institute, which was then<br />

among three most up to date buildings in<br />

Europe together with the ones located in<br />

London and Vienna.<br />

To this date, we have been studying<br />

pathology and teaching our students in the<br />

same building. This building has the bust of<br />

\or|e Joannovi} placed in its assembly hall.<br />

During the former 80 years activities of<br />

this Association, which was given the hard<br />

and responsible mission, to research and fight<br />

cancer using all of its capacities, to suppress<br />

the disease which we have been combating<br />

for several decades, in a variety of ways, without<br />

being in a position to even today, ascertain<br />

its origin. Even today, unfortunately,<br />

despite of all the achievements in the field of<br />

technology, and much improved knowledge,<br />

we have the situation that one fourth of all<br />

the death causes on the European continent<br />

are malignant diseases, right after the heart<br />

and blood vessel diseases.<br />

Preservation of health, its improvement,<br />

and successful disease diagnostics whenever<br />

possible and in its earliest phase and finding<br />

the proper cure remains our ever lasting mission,<br />

not only during these past decades, but<br />

throughout centuries. In couple of days in<br />

Serbia we will be celebrating its eight centuries<br />

of the first hospital establishment. In<br />

1207, in Studenica Monastery, St Sava built<br />

the first hospital system in Serbia, which we<br />

have been developing up to the present day.<br />

Regardless of the hardship which the<br />

Yugoslav Association for Research and Fight<br />

against Cancer and the Serbian Society for<br />

Fight against Cancer went through, they<br />

endured enormous problems.<br />

Today, maybe more than ever, we have<br />

become fully aware of the reality. Cancer<br />

cannot be defeated by oncological work<br />

alone. Every single doctor is an oncologist,<br />

today. Each and every doctor has to be

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