Sve~ana akademija - Drustvo Srbije za borbu protiv raka

Sve~ana akademija - Drustvo Srbije za borbu protiv raka

Sve~ana akademija - Drustvo Srbije za borbu protiv raka


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Postao je docent, vanredni profesor i<br />

redovni profesor. Pri tom, imajte na umu<br />

da je Be~ pre Prvog svetskog rata bio centar<br />

svetske medicine.<br />

U Be~u je rektor Univerziteta bio<br />

slavni patolog i akademik Karl fon<br />

Rokitanski. Be~koj Medicinskoj {koli<br />

mogli su da konkuri{u samo Berlin, koji<br />

je imao Rudolfa Virhova, pisca revolucionarne<br />

kwige „Celularna patologija”,<br />

<strong>za</strong>tim Pariz, London i donekle Sankt<br />

Peterburg.<br />

\or|e Joannovi} je u to vreme bio<br />

Srbin sa najve}im i najpresti`nijim univerzitetskim<br />

zvawem u svetu.<br />

Taj i takav ~ovek dolazi iz Be~a u<br />

Beograd iz ~istog i plemenitog patriotizma<br />

1920. godine. U saradwi sa Batutom<br />

i Subboti}em, osniva i organizuje<br />

Medicinski fakultet u Beogradu i<br />

pola`e temeqe srpskoj onkologiji i<br />

patologiji. Mo`ete <strong>za</strong>misliti kakve je<br />

sve organi<strong>za</strong>cione i druge poslove imao<br />

da obavi.<br />

Bio je u vi{e mandata prodekan i<br />

dekan, podigao je zgradu Instituta <strong>za</strong><br />

patologiju 1926. godine, bio je prvi<br />

upravnik patologije. Osnovao je i bio<br />

prvi predsednik Jugoslovenskog dru{tva<br />

<strong>za</strong> izu~avawe i suzbijawe <strong>raka</strong>.<br />

Zalagao se <strong>za</strong> izgradwu jedinstvenog<br />

Onkolo{kog instituta u Beogradu. Bio je<br />

predsednik Srpskog lekarskog dru{tva.<br />

Od 1926. godine i dopisni ~lan SANU.<br />

Bio je, {to je va`no, i veliki prijateq<br />

studenata, tako da su ga studenti i<strong>za</strong>brali<br />

<strong>za</strong> do`ivotnog po~asnog predsednika<br />

jugoslovenskih medicinara.<br />

Dostojno je reprezentovao Srbiju i<br />

Jugoslaviju na mnogobrojnim medicinskim<br />

kongresima u Evropi i Americi.<br />

Nije se `enio, nije imao dece, smatrao<br />

je da nauka tra`i celog ~oveka. Pose-<br />

}ivao je svog brata u Beodri.<br />

Nau~no delo \or|a Joannovi}a je impresivno<br />

u svetskim razmerama. Naravno,<br />

osnove ovog dela postavio je jo{ u Be~u.<br />

Napisao je 58 zna~ajnih radova iz eksperimentalne<br />

onkologije i patologije i<br />

patolo{ke morfologije.<br />

Za nas je posebno zna~ajno da je bio<br />

prvi srpski onkolog nau~nik.<br />

54<br />

Paltauf, who was Pasteur's and Koch's student.<br />

Soon enough he became Assistant<br />

Professor, Associate Professor and Full<br />

Professor. You must have in mind that<br />

Vienna before the First World War was center<br />

of the medical world.<br />

Rector of the University of Vienna of that<br />

time was the famous pathologist and academician<br />

Carl von Rokitansky. Rivals of the<br />

Vienna Medical School could only be Berlin<br />

with Rudolf Virchow, writer of the revolutionary<br />

book: "Cellular Pathology", Paris,<br />

London and to certain point Sankt<br />

Peterburg.<br />

\or|e Joannovi} was at that time a Serb<br />

with the greatest an most prestigious university<br />

position in the world.<br />

Such a man comes from Vienna to<br />

Belgrade for pure and noble patriotism in<br />

1920, to found and organize in triumvirate<br />

with Batut and Subboti} the Belgrade<br />

Medical School and lay foundation of the<br />

Serbian oncology and pathology. Can you<br />

imagine at all with what kind of organi<strong>za</strong>tional<br />

and other difficult tasks he had to cope.<br />

He was Associate Dean and Dean for several<br />

terms of office, he built the Institute of<br />

Pathology in 1926, he was the first Director<br />

of Pathology. He participated in the activities<br />

of the Yugoslav Society for the Study and<br />

Treatment of Cancer and was its first<br />

Chairman.<br />

He was the one to support construction of<br />

the central Oncology Institute in Belgrade.<br />

He was the Chairman of the Serbian Medical<br />

Society. In 1926 he became a corresponding<br />

member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences<br />

and Arts. What is very important, he was a<br />

great friend of the students, and the students<br />

elected him Lifelong Honorary President of<br />

the Yugoslav Medical Students.<br />

He represented trustworthly Serbia and<br />

Yugoslavia at numerous medical congresses<br />

in Europe and the United States.<br />

He never married nor had children, he<br />

believed that science wants a whole person.<br />

He visited his brother in Beodra.<br />

Scientific work of \or|e Joannovi} has an<br />

impressive world-wide reputation. Naturally,<br />

basis of his work had been set in Vienna. He<br />

wrote 58 significant papers dealing with

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