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280-272 a.C.<br />

11. «'<br />

280. —In the winter Pyrrhus sends 30,000 men under Milo to defend Tarentuin against Rome. Pyrrhus himself follows with<br />

his entire army, and makes Tarentum his headquarters for war against Rome.<br />

Rhegium takes the side of Rome and asks for Roman lielp. Romans occupy Rhegium and Locri witli troops.<br />

PjTrlius marches out from Tarentum against the Roman Consul, P. Valerius Lacvinus, who was approaching through<br />

Lucania. He defeats Laevinus in the plain between Heraclea and Pandosia on the river Siris ; the Romans evacuate<br />

Magna Graecia.<br />

he then advances<br />

Pyrrlius marches tlirough Campania, finds Neapolis and Capua too strongly defended to capture ;<br />

into Latium, captures Fregellae on the Liris ;<br />

Tarentum.<br />

approaches as near to Rome as Praeneste or Anagnia : then returns to<br />

279.—Pjrrhus captures several towns and forts from the Romans in Apulia.<br />

At Ausculum he meets the two consuls, Puhlius Sulpicius and Puhlius Decius, and, after a liattle lasting two days,<br />

defeats the Romans and drives them to their camp.<br />

278. —PiTrhiis, leaving his son Alexander in occupation of Tarentum, sets out with 60 warships to Locri ;<br />

from Tarentum to Locri by land.<br />

Pyrrhus crosses from Locri to Tauromenium in Sicily, thence he goes to Catana, where he lands his army. His fleet<br />

advances to Syracuse, jirepared for battle. The Carthaginian forces and fleet retire from Syracuse, where Pyrrhns<br />

establishes himself. All Agathocles' old dominions tome over to his side and he increases his fleet to 2(XI warships.<br />

Pyrrhus starts a new campaign against the Carthaginian dominions in Sicily.<br />

277.—PiTrhus, starting from Acragas, wins Heraclea Minca, Seliniis, Halic3'ae, Segesta, and other places come over to him. He<br />

captures Eryx after a long siege, and letae surrenders ;<br />

places fall into his hands except Lilybaeum.<br />

he then captures Panormus and Hercte. All Carthaginian<br />

half his forces march<br />

276.—Pyrrhus fails to capture Lilvhaeum after a two months' siege. He loses favour with the Greeks of Sicily and with the<br />

Syracusans, and leaves Sicily.<br />

275.—Pyrrhus's .Sicilian power collapses wlien he leaves .Sicily. He is defeated by the Carthaginians in a naval battle in the<br />

Straits of >Ies.sana. He recovers Locri, and from Locri vainly endeavours to capture Rhegium.<br />

Pyrrhus then marches to Tarentum and commences another campaign against Rome.<br />

The Romans have two armies, one in Samnium under M. Curius Dentatus, the other under Lucius Cornelius<br />

in Lucania.<br />

Dentatus takes up a strong position in the Arusinian plain near Maleventum. Pyrrhus holds Dentatus in check<br />

with part of his forces, while with the rest he attempts to collect allies in Apulia and Samnium.<br />

Battle of Maleventum. Pyrrhus is repulsed ; returns to Tarentum, and thence home to Epirus.<br />

272.— Romans under L. Papirius take Tarentum.<br />

To face Map 3.5.

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