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359-336 a.C.<br />


356-346 a.C.<br />

B. C.<br />

359.—Philip takes up the government of Macedonia. He defeats Aigaeus, a pretender to the throne, who is assisted with a<br />

strong Athenian fleet. . The fleet conveys him to Methone ; Argaeus then marches inland to Aegae, and in his march<br />

back is attacked and completely defeated by Philip.<br />

Philip, an.xious to come to terms with Athens, renounces all claim to Amphipolis.<br />

Being harassed by Paeonians and lUyrians, Philip sets to work to remodel his army.<br />

358.— Having quieted the Athenians with Amphipolis, Philip sets out in the spring with a large force and subdues the<br />

Paeonians in a single battle. He then turns against the lUyrians, who refuse to evacuate towns in Lyncestis,<br />

and also defeats them in a battle.<br />

Having thus quieted his foes in the north, Philip pushes eastward to Thrace, with the object of replenishing<br />

his treasury with the gold of Mt. Pangaeus, and forms a settlement of Thasians for <strong>this</strong> purpose at Crenides. To<br />

secure his position here it was necessary to become master of Amphipolis, so he attacks that town on the pretext of<br />

handing it over to Athens.<br />

357.— Philip captures Amphipolis, and holds to it as his own b}' right of war. He converts the Thasian settlement of Crenides<br />

into the fortress of Philippi. He also abandons his old capital of Aegae, and makes Pella his capital.<br />

356. — Philip captures Pydna and Polidaea, and hands over the latter and Anthemus to Olynthus, thereby setting Olynthus at<br />

variance with Athens, which, with the exception of Methone, has now no foothold on the coasts of the Therraaic<br />

Gulf.<br />

Athens, forming an alliance with the Paeonians and lUyrians, and with the Thracians of the west, declares<br />

war on Philip.<br />

Philip, however, nullifies <strong>this</strong> alliance by compelling the Paeonians to become his vas.sals ; sends his general,<br />

Parmenion, against the lUyrians, who suffer another severe defeat; and he buys over the Thracians to renounce<br />

Mt. Pangaeus.<br />

He now .sets about to consolidate his empire.<br />

The Sacred War.<br />

357.— This war was caused by the action of tlie Phucians, who resisted the decrees of the Amphictyonic League, wherebj' fines,<br />

which they con.sidered unjust, were imposed on Phocian citizens for alleged sacrilege.<br />

356.- -Philomelus, tlie Phocian general, seizes Delphi, after defeating the Locrians of Amphissa.<br />

At the Amphictyonic Council held at Tliermopylae, it is decided that the Thebans and Locrians should wage<br />

war against the Phocians, and rescue Delphi.<br />

The Locrians march against Philomelus at Delphi, and are defeated at Phaedriades.<br />

354.— After a period of indecisive actions, Philomelus incautiouslj' exposes himself to attack, is defeated by the Thebans and<br />

their allies at Neon, north of Mt. Parnassus, and is killed.<br />

Onomarchus succeeds Philomelus, and with the help of the Delphic treasures, continues the « ar with success. He<br />

captures Amphissa, Thronium, and Orohomenus ; reduces Doris, and makes himself master of Thermopylae. Being<br />

repulsed at Chaeronea, Onomarchus retires to Phocis. He purchases the alliance of Pherae, thus dividing Thessaly.<br />

The Thessalian League thereupon turns to Philip of Macedon for help.<br />

353. —Philip captures Methone, and enters Thessalj- as general of the Thessalians at their request.<br />

Onomarchus, then master as far as Thermopylae, sends a force under Phayllus into Thessaly to assist Lycophron<br />

of Pherae in arresting the progress of Philip. Phayllus is defeated t>y Philip and driven out of Thessaly.<br />

Upon <strong>this</strong> Onomarchus advances with tlie whole Phocian army to the rescue of Lycophron, defeats Philip in two<br />

battles, and forces him to withdraw the Macedonian army from Thessaly. Onomarchus then renews his invasion of<br />

Boeotia, and captures Coronea.<br />

52. — PhiliiJ, to retrieve his humiliation, advances again into Thessaly.<br />

Onomarchus joins Lycophron with a large army near the Pagasaean gulf, where an Athenian fleet was also co-operating<br />

under Chares.<br />

A land battle is fought near the Pagasaean gulf, where Philip gains a complete victory over the Phocians, and<br />

Onomarchus is killed ; <strong>this</strong> terminates Phocian power north of Thermopylae.<br />

Philip then laj's siege to Pherae, which surrenders. Pagasae also surrenders after a siege, an Athenian armament<br />

sent to its relief arriving too late. Philip thus becomes master of Thessaly.<br />

Philip's ne.xt step was to march to Tlicrmo])ylae to rescue Delphi. The Athenians, alarmed at his near approach,<br />

send a large force under Nausicles to defend the pass ; in <strong>this</strong> they are aided by Sparta and Achaea. Philip, seeing<br />

opposition useless, retires and leaves Phocis alone for a time.<br />

Philip's fleet is actively engaged in the Aegean. It makes descents on Lemnus, Imbrus, Eulioea, and once even<br />

on the coast of Attica itself.<br />

To face Maps 8 and 9.<br />


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