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424-416 a.C.<br />

n.c.<br />

424.—The first eiitciprise umk-rtaken bj- the Athenians in the spring was against the island of C3'thera. Nicias, with a force<br />

and sixty ships, invades the island, captures the towns of Cythera and Scandea, and after garrisoning the island<br />

makes inroails on the mainland near Helos, Asine, Aphrodisias, Cotyrta, and elsewhere.<br />

On his return from Cythcia to Athens, Nicias ravages the country near Epidaurus Limera, then attacks the<br />

Aeginetan settlement at Thyrea, which he takes by storm.<br />

While the Lacedaemonians are in a state of uneasiness, a request is received from Chalcidice and Perdiccas for Spartan<br />

aid under Brasidas against Athens.<br />

The Athenians, elate with their successes, now form plans against Megara, and a force is sent by way of Eleusis to<br />

surprise the place. Xisaea capitulates, but they were unable to enter Megara. Demosthenes and Hippocrates<br />

commanded the Athenians.<br />

At <strong>this</strong> juncture, Brasidas, who was preparing his Thracian expedition, at once starts with a force to Tripodiscus in<br />

aid of Megara. Being joined by a Boeotian force, and after an indecisive action, he compels the Athenians to retire,<br />

tlius saving Megara.<br />

the former with a land<br />

Hippocrates'and Demosthenes ttien concert a more extensive plan for the invasion of Boeotia :<br />

army, the latter with a fleet from the Corinthian Gulf ; but the plan miscarries, and Demosthenes retires without<br />

striking a blow after having reached Siphae. Hippocrates is even more unfortunate. He marches to Tanagra and<br />

captures Delium, which he fortifies. On his return march he suffers a crushing defeat at the hands of the Boeotians,<br />

who afterwards recapture Delium.<br />

Brasidas, having completed his levies, conducts them from the Isthmus to Heraolea, Melilaea, and Pharsalus in<br />

Thessal}', encamping on the river Apidanus. Thence he proceeds to I'liacium, through Perrh;ebia and over the pass<br />

of Olympus to Dium, in the territory of Perdiccas.<br />

Bras^idas joins Perdiccas in marching against Arrhibaeus towards Lyncestis, but being dissatisfied<br />

arrangement, and without marching over the pass to Lyncus, he takes his army into Chalcidice.<br />

with <strong>this</strong><br />

His first operation is against Acanthus, which joins him against Athens ; as also Stagirus. Passing through Arne,<br />

Anion, and Bromiscus, near Lake Bolhe, he begins his march on Amphipolis ; enters Argilus with the help of<br />

conspirators, surprises and takes the bridge over the Strymon, and compels the capitulation of Amphi])olis.<br />

Thucydides, who was in command at Thasus, immediately sets sail on hearing of the danger at Amphipolis, but<br />

arrives at Eion after the surrender of the place. There was now dismay at Athens.<br />

Brasidas, now in possession of Amphipolis. marches against the peninsula of Acte. Thyssus, Cleone, Olophyxus. and<br />

other towns all submit, but Sane and Dium hold out. He next marches into the Sithonian peninsula to attack<br />

Torone, which « as surprised and taken, the Athenian garrison retiring to the citadel called Lecythus.<br />

storms and takes.<br />

This Brasidas<br />

423.—A truce for one year is concluded between Athens and Sparta.<br />

from Athens.<br />

Before the truce is made known in Thrace, Scione revolts<br />

When the commissioners arrive to announce the truce, a dispute arises regarding Scione, the Athenians declaring it<br />

had revolted after the signing of the truce.<br />

The objection to handing over Scione being known at Athens, it was determined to undertake an expedition for its<br />

reconquest. The war thus continued in Tluace, though suspended elsewhere.<br />

Following on <strong>this</strong>, Mende revolted from the Atlienians. Brasidas now goes with the greater part of liis force to<br />

assist Perdiccas against Arrhil)aeus and the Lyncestae.<br />

While Brasidas is thus engaged the Athenian armament under Nicias and Nicostr.itus reaches Potidaea, then proceeds<br />

to laud near the promontory of Posidium, to attack Mende. Being first repulsed, they take their fleet to the side of<br />

Scione and ravage the country. Nicostratus soon recaptures Mende, and Nicias completely blockades Scione.<br />

Brasidas, deserted by Perdiccas and harassed by lllyrians in his retreat, reaches Arnissa and proceeds to the<br />

protection of Torone. Periliccas opens negotiations with Nicias.<br />

Nicias, leaving Scione under blockade, returns with bis armament to Athens.<br />

422.—The year's truce now expires. After considerable discussion as to peace or war, the Athenians are persuaded by Cleon to<br />

undertake an expedition against Amphipolis.<br />

Cleon in command starts from the Piraeus early in August with a force and tldrty iships. He first stops at<br />

Scione and takes with him as many hoplites as can be spareil from the blockaile ; he next sails over to the<br />

Sithonian peninsula to the "Harbour of the Colophonians," near Torone. Attacking Torone on two sides be<br />

captures it.<br />

Cleon then sails round Mount Atlios promontory to Eion, .3 miles from Amphipolis. While waiting for reinforcements<br />

from Perdiccas, Cleon attacks Stagirus but is repulsed. He also attacks Galepsus, opposite Thasus, where he is<br />

successful.<br />

Brasidas was at Mount Cerdylium, watching Cleon's movements. Cleon is forced to move on Amphipolis by his troops,<br />

but being ajiprised of Brasidas' attempt to surprise his army, orders a retreat to Eion. Brasidas falls on the retiring<br />

army, and the Athenians are defeated and put to flight. Both Brasidas and Cleon are slain in battle.<br />

To fact Map 3.

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