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392. — Pasinic-liis, leader of the pliiloLaconian party in Corinth, admits tlie Lauedaenionians within the lonj; walls of Corinth<br />

The Lacedaemonians gain a victory within the walls, and destroy part of them between Corinth and Lei haeum.<br />

They then march through the hreaeh to Megara, capture Crommyon and iSidus ; and returning south, they occuj)y<br />

Kpiticia, on the frontier of Kpidanrus.<br />

391.—Agesilaus, helped by his brother Teleutias with a fleet, captures Lechaeum.<br />

390. —Agesilaus, after celebrating the Isthmian games, captures Peiraeum, on a promontory jutting into the Gulf of Corinth,<br />

thereby cutting otV Corinthian communications with Hoeotia. He returns to h-parta, leaving Lechaeum garrisoned.<br />

Iphicrates, with his peltasts, utterly defeats a body of heavy-armed Spartans who were on tlieir way between<br />

Lechaeum and Amydae, near Sparta<br />

Iphicrates also retakes Crommyon, Sidus and Peiraeum.<br />

887.—Peace of Antalcidas.<br />

384.—Spartans restore Plataea.<br />

383.—Phoebidas, Spartan commander, seizes the Cadmea, the acropolis of Thebes, in time of peace.<br />

379. —Liberation of Thebes by I'elopidas and fellow-conspirators, helped by an Athenian volunteer force, thougli Athens is at<br />

peace with Sparta.<br />

378.—Agesilaus invades Boeotia, and leaves Spliodrias as harmost at Thespiae.<br />

Sphodrias invades Attica in time of peace, attempting to seize the Piraeus. He is tried at Sparta for <strong>this</strong> unjustifiable<br />

raid, but is act|Uitted.<br />

Athens joins Thebes against Sparta.<br />

The second Athenian-Aegean league established.<br />

377.—Agesilaus again invades Boeotia, but gains no decisive advantage.<br />

376. —Cleombrotus, of Sparta, marches against Boeotia, but fails to get over the passes of Mt. Cithaeron.<br />

Spartan fleet is defeated at Naxus bj' the Athenians under Chabrias, who is now supreme in the Aegean.<br />

374. — Pelopidas defeats the Spartans who are holding Orchomenus. Spartans also make an expedition into Locria, but<br />

Pelopidas catches them at Tegyra, on their return, and defeats them, though they were superior in numbers.<br />

Thebans now expel Lacedaemonians out of all Boeotia, except Orchomenus.<br />

Thebans invade Phocis.<br />

371. — Athens, alarmed at the power of Thebes, makes peace with Sparta— Aire of Calling.<br />

Thebes refuses to sign the peace treaty, except in the name of all Boeotia. Sparta declares war on Thebes.<br />

Cleombrotus, who was in Phocis with a Spartan army, is ordered to march against Thebes and compel the Thebans<br />

to set free the Boeotian cities.<br />

Thebans post their forjes near Coronea to bar his way.<br />

Cleombrotus inarches from Chaeronea, jjast their left flank, by a difficult route round Mt. Helicon to Thisbe,<br />

defeating a Theban detachment on his way. From Thisbe he goes to Creusis, capturing the port and the 12 Theban<br />

ships there. Having thus secured his rear, and his connnunications with the Peloponnese, he advances north towards<br />

Thebes, but finds the Theban aimy, under Epaminondas, posted north of Leuctra, to bar his way.<br />

Battle of Leuctra ; Spartans defeated and Cleombrotus killed.<br />

The Lacedaemonian army remained in entrenchntents on the hill of Leuctra. After the battle, Jason of Pherae, ally<br />

of Thebes, arrived at the Thel>an camp and induced the Thebans to grant a truce to the Lacedaemonians, and to<br />

allow lliem to retire unmolested.<br />

The Spartans had sent reinforcements under Arehidamus, which were transported by sliip from Corinth to Creusis.<br />

Before arrival of these reinforcements, Spartans accept the conditions offered, and evacuate Boeotia.<br />

Eml of the period of Spartan supremacy.

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