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Pompeys army. Octavius is active in attempting to reduce Illyriciim ; and Issa joins liis canse. The Cacsarians,<br />

Imwever, lioKl Lissus ; and at Salonae Octavius is severely defeated and retires to Dyirhachiiim.<br />

Caesar, who liad been elccteil consul for the following year, now collects his legions and cavalry at Brundisium, and<br />

on the '2Sth November sets sail with half his force to cross the Adiiatic after I'onipey, landin'' tlie next day at<br />

Palaeste, on the coast of Epirus. Thirty of his ships, on their return journey to convey the remainder of his force, are<br />

captured and burnt by Bibulus.<br />

Caesar tries to open negotiations with Pompey, but thes; fall through. He maiches over the difficult mountain<br />

])alhs from Palaeste to Oricum, which surrenders ; then, receiving the surrender of Apollonia, he pushes on<br />

for Dyrrhachium.<br />

Pompey, on hearing of Caesar's landing, hurries towards Apollonia, and by forced marches barely reaches<br />

Dyrrhachium to save it from capture.<br />

Caesar, Huding tliat Pompey was in possession of the place, agiln moves back towards Apollonia, and camps south of<br />

the Apsus. Pompey follows and camps opposite Caesar on tlie other side of the river. Thus the two armies watch<br />

each other for a time.<br />

In the meantime Libo sails over from Oricum to Braudisinui, which lie blockades, inflicting some damage ou<br />

Antony's men, who were waiting to cross over to Caesar. Antony compels him to raise the blockade and to retire.<br />

48. —On the l.jth Feljruary, Antony, with the rest of Caesar's force, sets sail from Brundisium, is carried past Apollonia and<br />

Dyrrh icliium, chased by the enemy, and succeeds in i-eaching the harl>our of N'ymphocuni, above Lissus.<br />

Pompey marches secretly by way of Dyrrhachium to Tirana so as to cut otV Antony and to prevent his junction with<br />

Caesar, the latter having already crossearissa,<br />

thence to Amphipolis, and to Asia Minor. Finding that Pompey had been at Cyprus, and had probably gone on to<br />

J'lgypt, Caesar sets out for Alexandria, where he hears of Pompey's death.<br />

At Alexandria Caesar takes possession of the royal palace facing the great harbour and, as Roman consul, undertakes<br />

the settlement of the disputes between young Ptolemy and Cleopatra.<br />

Soon, however, intrigues ou the part of Ptolemy and his regent Pothiuus lead to the march of an Alexandrian army

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