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ller name it is Miss Katie Flynn. she livcs (in) ncar Harbour Main:<br />

Othcrwise up on the ridge I can [can·t] remind it still<br />

[But if I'm not mistaken] Othef\\;se upon the ridge she livcs ncar Heartbreak Hill<br />

9. Wc sailed away for the Labrador with a S\\cct and pleasant gale.<br />

[The \\;00 came in your favour] Each day came in my favour just as I told lhe<br />

lale.<br />

The eighth day [that] we were at sea our anchors we let run:<br />

In a pleasant harbour in a place called Smokcy Run.<br />

10, So now my song is ended I havc no more 10 say.<br />

Our freight thcre is all landed and our anchors wc must weigh!<br />

Wc'lI hoist up our big mainsail and it's down the shore \\c'lI run.<br />

May the heavens smile on [those] all thc girls we left. in mokcy Run. lt7<br />

Pad Cole learned his version from his grandmothcr Kenny, It was composed by<br />

three or four people on thc way to Labrador. including Kate Foley.<br />

In contrast to the preceding lighted·hearted story and song. there arc stories of<br />

skippers fiercely protecting the women who came on the Lnbrudor with them and of<br />

women being fearful of men on the passage and on the Labrador who were "after them",<br />

My fnthcr Jim Doyle claimed that the main reason men made overtures to women was<br />

tlUit this gave them opportunity to share their berths; "That's all thnt it actually was, a<br />

ploce to lay your head,.. 118 Songs and slories documenting these shipboard romances<br />

117 MUNFLA 86-013. C8686, For information on composers. sec "The Big Three­<br />

Mastcd Schooner" earlier in this chapter,<br />

III See MUNFLA. ms" 8-1--220. The father-daughtcr relationship may ha\'c innuenced<br />

his denial ofsexual activity. However, he did tell me that he had girlfricnds on the<br />


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