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In the fall Labradorians moved inland to live on thcir trapping grounds in Iiule<br />

communities ofone or two families. It was the custom for Ihe scattered "inter<br />

communitics to gather in one place. usually the Iludson Bay Company post. for<br />

Christmas. These gatherings became the occasion for fcasting. dancing. and the singing<br />

ofsongs. Clarice Hopkins. a Labradorian 00\\ li\'ing in Goosc Bay. spoke in great detail<br />

about songs she and other members ofhcr famil) had composed. Al age fifteen. she<br />

composed a song. about her sistcrs and their boyfriends from e\\ found land. The song. a<br />

moniker, was thinY·lwo \'erses long and included c\cf)onc at thc gathcring in addition to<br />

the Newfoundland crowd.<br />

I'd compose [songs) around Christmas and forgct them unless somebody<br />

\\TOte them down. I think the one about Cupids was copied and was in<br />

Cupids. That's where I did pick up a lot ofvcrscs I had forgotten because<br />

they had taken it back there and kept it alive for awhile. lJ2<br />

laricc went on to say that the younger people mentioned in thc song had kept on<br />

singing it because it was about them. She reiterated dun songs wcre composcd for special<br />

occasions, sung, and then forgotten unlcss somCOllC wrote thcm down or kept all singing<br />

it. To her. a song was "really a record or tile things we were doing." While hcrs were<br />

always romantic songs about boys and girls teasing each othcr. her brother and other<br />

fishermen composed songs about fishing or about working 3t the nearby whaling factory.<br />

One song composed by her brother (another moniker song) listed all the bankers (fishing<br />

<strong>Memorial</strong> Univcrsity of cwfoundland (1986) and "Folk Programming Versus Elitc<br />

Infonnation: The Doyle Blilletin and the Pllblic Dispatch:' Cllllllre &Trlldition 12 (1988).<br />

pp.41-59.<br />

232 M FLA 86.Q13. C8629. See also Bollntyolo Barren Coast.<br />


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