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Mr. C. ofSpaniard's Bay was born April 23, 1893 and made his first trip to the<br />

Labrador June I ofthe same year on his fathers schooner. Captain Gosse of the schooner<br />

Rose meed Mr. Co's father down to the Labrador to secure a choice berth and had made a<br />

cradle out ofa nour barrel for the baby Mr. C. before they am\·ed. The construction of<br />

the cradle shows that the competition for prime berths docs not preclude neighbourly<br />

acts. The following year. 1894. Captain Gosse lost his schooner when she struck a skirt of<br />

ice in \\hat Mr. C. refers to as -The Rose Disaster". adding:<br />

the fishermen ofNewfoundland arc definitely the salt ofthc earth. 11lose were<br />

hard. hard. anxious times. It was a ease ofmen must work and women must weep.<br />

though storms be sudden and waters deep. lOG<br />

In 1895. Mr. C:s father lost his schooner when a gale came on in the harbour and<br />

the ship went ashore. They went home in another schooner and in 1896 went down to the<br />

Labrador on a brig. a ship with yards on both the foremast and the mainmast. lol<br />

Voyages lend to be remembered by evcnts rathcr than by years, and the hardships<br />

faccd on the passnges nrc commcmorated in song as well as in personal experience<br />

narrative. The following song tells not only ofbeingjammcd in ice in Icc Tickles (q.v.<br />

Figure 3, 22), but also records the names of those aboard on this particular trip. I<br />

collected the song initially from Bill Folcy of Colliers, though at lirsl he was reluctant to<br />

sing it because he could not remember all the words, but he agreed to sing what he could<br />

remember. lie then sent me to his neighbour, I)ad Cole, who also used to sing the song. I<br />

recorded and transcribed both songs onto a single sheet and returned 10 both men with the<br />

100 M FLA. InS.. 74-189. p. 21.<br />

101 Ibid.. pp. 21-22.<br />


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