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Conniet<br />

This seclion contains narratives which cxamine the kinds ofconflici encountered<br />

b) fishennen prosecuting the annual migratory fishery. An examinalion of manuscripts<br />

on deposil in the M FLA revealed only scattered references to areas ofconnict It<br />

seemed rather amazing that upwards of20.000 fishcrfolk could converge on the Labrador<br />

coastline to compete for cod for four months and nOI be involved in more cases of<br />

conflict. I)erhaps the fishennen had nollaJked ofconflict because they had net been<br />

properly qucstioned, on maybe mel' glossed evcr the confliclS because Ihey were<br />

constantly being exposed to dangers. Thc gcncral impression givcn in the archival<br />

records is that "evc!) body was in this together:' Therefore. differences ofreligion and<br />

ethnic backgrounds were left on the Newfoundland side of the Strait of Belle Isle. Given<br />

thai the four months on the Labrador meant thc difference betwccn survival and<br />

starvation for thc winter. this seems to be a reasonable assumption to makc.<br />

Ilowcver. there was some conflict on the Labrador. TIle personal experience<br />

narrutives in Chaptcr Three show that dangcrs could be expected from the weather, the<br />

land, thc Inuit, the huskies, foreign fishermell, supernatllral sources and other fishernlcll.<br />

Accounts ofconflict have becn notcd in Reverend P. W.l3rowne's Where 'he Fisher.5<br />

Go: 71w S'ory ojLllbrador, Greta Hussey's Dill' Lift 011 Lear's Room, and Nicholas<br />

Smith's Fifiy·TlI'o Years on fhe Labrador. Entries in the record book and diary of<br />

Magistrate E. J. Womell confinn that there were conflicts which ranged from lhe petty to<br />


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