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I did as I had done on the first lap ofthe voyage. I talked infonnally to people and<br />

asked some basic questions. Are the Newfoundlandcrs still fishing herc? Where are they<br />

fishing? Where had they fished? Did you get along with thcm in the past and now?<br />

This stage ofthe trip proved lrUe some stories I had heard about the crew's<br />

lrCatmcnt ofcertain passengers. examples of\\hich will be gi\'cn in the ncxt chapler. One<br />

c,·cning. I went 10 supper early. I found myselfstanding with some Labradorians and<br />

looking in through the glass ofa lockcd door at 'lhe crowd from the univcrsity.- who<br />

\\cre having a pri"ate dinner. They must have started halfan hour before thc cafeteria<br />

officially opened. One oflhe ""nmen from Labrador passed the comment that, "Here we<br />

arc again. The rich on the inside and the poor on the outside." She looked al me and<br />

smiled. he had included me as one ofher group. I usually sat with the Labradorians and<br />

had onen observcd the reluctance with which the crew dealt with the Innu and Inuit,<br />

especially when Ihey spoke in their own language. My supper companion said Ihey often<br />

spoke IllUklitut to spite the crew members who did nOllike thcm. 71<br />

Unlike Ihe lower deck accommodalions, the upper class cabins had their own<br />

showers, and I must confess that I did take up my friends' offer to go up there and take a<br />

showcr when it became impossible to do so downstairs. I once went up there just 10 get<br />

away from the noise and have a few moments to myself. Eventually. Ihe crew re-opened<br />

the salon. which made the ship seem less crowded. and. as on Ihe previous trip on the<br />

Ttl\'erner. I would go there to socialize with passengers. Ilowevcr, Ihe men always<br />

seemcd to be involved in a poker game and the younger people preferred to "hang out"<br />

71 Field notebook I. July 14. 1984.<br />


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