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at Salmon Bay and Bonne Bay until she married again in 1920 and started to raise a<br />

second family:·16s Martha MacDonald described her life as a widow with a daughter to<br />

support. She \\'ent out as a servanl girl for S5.00 per month 10 support her daughter and<br />

herself after her husband died in 1941. Two years later she received a welfare allowance<br />

ofSIS.OO e\'cry three months. Later she \\ent 10 \\ork in Blanc ahlon for SI5.00 a month.<br />

he was in service rest ofher life. travelling as far as Hopedale to augment her income. l66<br />

Cooking. children. laundry. and helping with Ihe fish would be the main activities<br />

during the summer fisher)'. Howc\"cr. there was also time for household chores that<br />

nonnally took place during the \\inter but could also conlribute to the family economy.<br />

Mrs. B. ofCarbonear. Conception Bay. born in 1897. spent h\Cnty-se\cn<br />

summers on the Labrador at Square Island. Shc spent winters at home doing the family<br />

chores and knilting nelS. In the summer on the Labrador. she would hook mats when she<br />

was freed from other dutics.<br />

Many timcs thcy would reccive news that thc fish was bettcr "up thc shorc" so<br />

fishcrmcn would go away for several days at a time leaving the families in Square<br />

Island. On nights that the men were gone the womcn would get togethcr for a mat<br />

hooking bce. Usually two or three women would gather together uOer the children<br />

werc put to bed and work on thc samc mat. Whcn a Illat was finished they would<br />

start on another and in the end sharc up the mats. 167<br />

One wintcr, Mrs. B. exchanged cleven mats for clcven pairs of nlbbcr bootS. 161<br />

16S Them Days 2:3 (J 977), pp. 8-10.<br />

'66 Them Do)'s. 2:3 (1977): 7.<br />

167 MU FLA. illS. 80-091. p. 12.<br />

161 Ibid.<br />


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