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Flies were really bad. One chap from Conception Ilarhour. Dave Wade,<br />

with us. Younger than me, Only a little bit ofa hoy. Almost dcvoured him,<br />

cycs closed up. I-lad to carry him aboard thc boat. When we canlC dO\\1l<br />

they had to lead him from the stage head, T\\o on thn.--c days and couldn't<br />

work. lie was eaten so much that his cycs closed up - out around the<br />

headlands. Out around the fishing areas they \\cren't that bad. Up in the<br />

ba)' they were a scourgc. No fly oi1. 2lG<br />

! had been tempted to bury my facc while spreading caplin on Tickcraluck Island.<br />

Despite warnings! had received in narrative form I found it impossible to bclie\e how<br />

dangerous the flies could be:<br />

In Ma)'·Junc 1976, I went to Postville, Labrador, working as an<br />

"archaeological field assistant" for thc e\\foundland Museum at a Dorset<br />

Eskimo site there which was about to be ploughed under by new<br />

construction.! spent a total ofthree and a halfwecks in Postville, boarding<br />

\\;th a local family, While there I heard many stories about lmnsponation<br />

on the Labrador coast. In panicular, scarc slories aboul Lab Airways were<br />

common, But I also heard the following story about a $1. John's<br />

businessman carrying on his business on the Coast. I can't rememhcr who<br />

told it to me but il went like this. The businessman arrived one morning in<br />

a community {I don'( remember ifit was named) and did his business<br />

before nOOIl. He was to meet someone al a pan oflhe communily a lillie<br />

dislance inland in Ihe afternoon, but since hc had some timc to spare. hc<br />

thoughI hc would walk. There were 2 ways: by road and over a marsh. Hc<br />

thoughI he'd go over the marsh. lie wcnt alonc. lie never showcd up at his<br />

appointmcnt and he ncvcr returned to the boat in thc hurbom. A search<br />

party WCllt out ancr dark but thcy ncvcr found himlillncXI morning. It<br />

had been 11 warm day with plenty of nies whcn he set out. lie was found<br />

wilh his face clawed 10 strips with his own nails, scratching llt I1r bitcs. I-Ic<br />

had apparently gone crazy wilh Ihe nies and died on the marsh. 2 I<br />

'" MU "LA 86-013. C87()().<br />

211 This story was told 10 me by Philip lIiscock in Junc of 1984 while wc were talking<br />

about my travel arrangements to the Labrador. We spoke of il again over coffee in the<br />

studenl centre of<strong>Memorial</strong> University, January 28. 1986 and Philip wrote out the text of<br />

the SlOT) for me. Post\'ille is on Figure I. 6,<br />


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