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eturned to ask that the deck boards he stole be returned to their ri&htful owner. 215<br />

Somctimes ghosts arc seen but no contact is made. as this narrative from Colliers<br />

demonstrates.<br />

Lots ofthose things. old wrinkles. There was one time me father was<br />

coming from Cut Throat one night. He heard somebody throw down a turn<br />

of lumber over the bank and there's no one li\'ing within a half mile ofiL<br />

lie heard it right plain when they throwed a lurn of lumber down over the<br />

bank. Could be a sign ofsomething.<br />

I heard ed Trahey say. even in the Run ofT Shell Island "here they lived.<br />

they saw a woman on the island. There was no one on the island in the<br />

meantime but they saw a woman.!16<br />

Despite these sightings. Tom was nol worried about ghosts. lie and Uncle Jimmy<br />

Doyle had an unusual pastime for Catholic men.<br />

We used 10 be going around digging up graves down thercol11)'sclfand<br />

Uncle Jimmy. Pirates's graves. Me and Jimmy with a piece. over in the<br />

Run there was graves. Kind ofreddish hair - was just as fresh as the day it<br />

was buried - all that was therc except for the box. 111e box. the board was<br />

still good in Ihe bog. 217<br />

Olher beliefs include Ihose associated wilh vessels and lucky and unlucky days.<br />

Greta Ilusscy's falher would never launch a boal on Friday but always on a Saturday ifhc<br />

'" MUNl'LA. ms.. 76-335. p. 38.<br />

". MUNFLA 86-013. C8678.<br />

217 Ibid.<br />


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