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government also indicated its support<br />

for the suspension of devolved<br />

government if there was any failure to<br />

implement the Agreement (Irish Times,<br />

24 November 1999).<br />

The second safety net involved the<br />

UUP’s own capacity to set terms.<br />

Trimble was aware of Unionist<br />

concerns about an “open ended<br />

[decommissioning] process, where you<br />

get sucked along and get hung out to<br />

dry” (Irish Times, 26 November 1999)<br />

and prepared accordingly. Trimble<br />

successfully sold the notion of entering<br />

government before arms<br />

decommissioning to his party’s ruling<br />

body, the Ulster Unionist Council<br />

(UUC), in late November.<br />

The deciding factor seems to have<br />

been post-dated resignation letters<br />

Trimble had drafted in which he and<br />

other prospective UUP ministers<br />

promised to vacate the Executive if no<br />

IRA decommissioning had occurred by<br />

the end of January (Irish Times, 29<br />

November 1999). Only 58 percent of<br />

UUC delegates had supported this<br />

change from the ‘no guns, no<br />

government policy’ and it was evident<br />

that a deep fissure was running<br />

through Ulster Unionism, despite<br />

Trimble’s expectation that disarmament<br />

would follow devolution “as night<br />

follows day” (Irish Times, 27 November<br />

1999).<br />

Of course, Republicanism bridled at<br />

these “safety nets”; in their view the<br />

Agreement made no mention of<br />

default mechanisms such as the British<br />

were now legislating for, whilst<br />

Trimble’s resignation letter merely<br />

introduced a unilateral deadline which<br />

sought to “dictate and totally<br />

undermine and contradict” the agreed<br />

role of the IICD (Irish Times, 17<br />

November 1999).<br />

2 December:<br />

Devolution—Finally<br />

The fissures within the UUP, and<br />

Republican disquiet at the measures<br />

taken to minimise this fracturing, were<br />

disturbing portents of the future. This<br />

did not however stop the setting up of<br />

an executive on the 2 December.<br />

Northern Ireland now had a powersharing<br />

government comprising Ulster<br />

Unionist, SDLP, DUP and Sinn Fein<br />

ministers. The North-South crossborder<br />

bodies and the rescinding of<br />

Ireland’s territorial claim to the North<br />

quickly followed. The UFF (Ulster<br />

Freedom Fighters) nominated a<br />

representative to the IICD on 8<br />

December.<br />

There was a general air of euphoria as<br />

the Agreement was quickly<br />

implemented, but there may also have<br />

been a sense of unreality. Each of the<br />

parties in the Executive had rather<br />

different views on how<br />

decommissioning should best be<br />

pursued, and this was a question on<br />

which the sustainability of the<br />

Executive appeared to rest. Moreover,<br />

the increasing vulnerability of the UUP<br />

meant that an answer would need to be<br />

found quickly.<br />

Suspending the<br />

Agreement: January–<br />

February 2000<br />

Although the institutions of the<br />

Agreement were up and running, they<br />

existed under a Damoclean sword.<br />

Ulster Unionist Party Assembly<br />

members warned that they had<br />

“stretched [their] constituency to<br />

breaking point” and that a peace<br />

process without decommissioning was<br />

not worth “a penny candle” (Statement<br />

by the UUP, 1 February 2000, http://<br />

cain.ulst.ac.uk).<br />

B·I·C·C<br />

guns and government<br />

Republicanism appeared to remain<br />

unmoved. Adams felt that the<br />

decommissioning crisis was merely a<br />

case of “tactical manoeuvring” by the “<br />

‘No’ men of Unionism” who were<br />

engaged in a “clumsy attempt” to<br />

inflict a defeat on Republicans. The<br />

Sinn Fein leader stressed that nobody<br />

should doubt that Republicanism had<br />

already stretched itself considerably in<br />

reaching out to Unionists, as the<br />

ending of abstentionism had been an<br />

“unprecedented decision” by<br />

Republicanism. Unionism would<br />

simply have to be “patient” in waiting<br />

for decommissioning.<br />

Adams emphasised that there had been<br />

a “clear understanding” in the Review<br />

that Sinn Fein could not deliver<br />

disarmament in the terms now being<br />

demanded by Unionists. Instead, the<br />

Republican analysis was that<br />

decommissioning should be handled in<br />

a “mechanism . . . outside the political<br />

process”, in other words the IICD<br />

(Irish News, 28 January 2000). In<br />

attempting to separate politics from<br />

disarmament, they were hoping to<br />

remove a powerful irritant.<br />

The Unionists’<br />

resignation deadline<br />

The trouble was that, for the UUP,<br />

decommissioning was fundamentally<br />

political. It touched on questions of<br />

political principle and affected political<br />

considerations in relation to electoral<br />

competition with other Unionist<br />

parties. Most pressingly,<br />

decommissioning had struck deep into<br />

the internal politics of the party<br />

creating cracks and fissures.<br />

Consequently, and as Trimble made<br />

clear, “the formation of the Executive<br />

without a start to actual<br />

decommissioning was an unsustainable<br />

position in all but the short term.” Sinn<br />


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