Webwasher 6.0.1 Anti-Malware User's Guide - McAfee

Webwasher 6.0.1 Anti-Malware User's Guide - McAfee

Webwasher 6.0.1 Anti-Malware User's Guide - McAfee


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Content Security<br />

Note that the settings you specify in the HTML pages window for JavaScript<br />

code will also apply to Visual Basic Script code and that the settings you specify<br />

in the scripts windows will also apply to Visual Basic Script code and Visual<br />

Basic for Applications macros.<br />

Furthermore, there is this section on the tab:<br />

• JavaScript<br />

It is described in the following. At the end of this description, the windows<br />

mentioned above are also described.<br />

JavaScript<br />

The JavaScript section allows you to configure actions for JavaScript code<br />

that is potentially malicious. This code may be embedded in Web pages, in<br />

Adobe PDF documents or in HTML e-mails.<br />

The code may be openly hostile, i .e. perform operations that are usually and<br />

primarily performed by hostile mobile code, e. g. usage of vulnerable functionality.<br />

It may also perform only operations that are performed by all kinds of mobile<br />

code, i. e. including code that is not hostile. These operations may, however,<br />

open the door for hostile operations that are performed at a later point of time,<br />

e. g. write access to local files.<br />

You can configure actions with regard to all of these operations.<br />

You can also configure different actions according to whether the probability<br />

that the code in question will perform these operations is medium or high.<br />

If you want to use the options provided in this section, make sure the checkbox<br />

next to the section heading is marked. The checkbox is marked by default.<br />

After modifying this setting or any other setting in this section, click on Apply<br />

Changes to make the modification effective.<br />

Use the drop-down lists in the following areas to configure actions for<br />

JavaScript code:<br />

• Operations primarily performed by hostile mobile<br />

In this area, select actions with regard to the:<br />

— Automation of a local E-Mail client<br />

This operation is used for virus replication.<br />


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