Webwasher 6.0.1 Anti-Malware User's Guide - McAfee

Webwasher 6.0.1 Anti-Malware User's Guide - McAfee

Webwasher 6.0.1 Anti-Malware User's Guide - McAfee


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Content Security<br />

Use the drop-down lists provided here to configure actions for the following<br />

situations:<br />

• First known CA is trusted<br />

Select an action here that should be taken if the first known CA is trusted.<br />

• First known CA is untrusted<br />

Select an action here that should be taken if the first known CA is untrusted.<br />

• Only unknow CAs found<br />

Select an action here that should be taken if only unknown CAs have been<br />

found.<br />

Trusted Certificate Authorities<br />

The Trusted Certificate Authorities section looks like this:<br />

This section provides the list of Trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs). Also provided<br />

is a list of known CAs, from which you can select CAs to include them in<br />

the list of trusted CAs. When including a CA in this list, you can configure it as<br />

trusted or not trusted.<br />

If a CA has been included in the list of trusted CAs as not trusted, certificates<br />

issued by it will be explicitly forbidden, i. e. will also not be trusted. This is<br />

indicated in status messages referring to a certificate.<br />

If a CA is not included in the list at all, certificates issued by it may be implicitly<br />

forbidden, which is also indicated in status messages.<br />


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