Webwasher 6.0.1 Anti-Malware User's Guide - McAfee

Webwasher 6.0.1 Anti-Malware User's Guide - McAfee

Webwasher 6.0.1 Anti-Malware User's Guide - McAfee


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Animation Filter<br />

The Animation Filter section looks like this:<br />

Common<br />

Using this section, you can configure a filter to detect animated images. Animations<br />

will either be filtered completely or restricted in their execution.<br />

If you want to use this filter, mark the checkbox next to the section heading.<br />

After specifying this setting or any other setting in this section, click on Apply<br />

Changes to make these settings effective.<br />

Use the following radio buttons to configure animation filtering:<br />

• Animated images<br />

Use the radio buttons provided here according to the measures you want<br />

the filter to take against animations:<br />

— Show only the first picture of an animation<br />

Make sure this button is checked to terminate an animation after showing<br />

the first picture<br />

This option is enabled by default.<br />

— Repeat animation . . . time(s)<br />

Check this button to limit repetition of the animation.<br />

In the input field provided here enter the number of times you want an<br />

animation to repeat itself.<br />

— Remove all animated images<br />

Check this button to remove animation completely.<br />


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