Webwasher 6.0.1 Anti-Malware User's Guide - McAfee

Webwasher 6.0.1 Anti-Malware User's Guide - McAfee

Webwasher 6.0.1 Anti-Malware User's Guide - McAfee


You also want an ePaper? Increase the reach of your titles

YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves.

Common<br />

This active content may be hostile rather than friendly, so for full protection<br />

against files that are embedded into Microsoft Office or PDF documents, you<br />

should use the filter provided by the Document Inspector to inspect these documents<br />

and block malicious content from entering your corporate network.<br />

If you want to use this filter, make sure the checkbox next to the section heading<br />

is marked. The checkbox is marked by default.<br />

After specifying the appropriate settings, click on Apply Changes to make<br />

them effective.<br />

Use the following items to configure actions for office documents:<br />

• Encrypted document found<br />

From the drop-down list provided here, select an action, e. g. Drop, Drop<br />

and Quarantine or Allow.<br />

This action will be taken if the filter detects an office document attached to<br />

an e-mail that is potentially malicious.<br />

Document Types<br />

The Document Types section looks like this:<br />

Using this section, you can configure which of the filters described in the sections<br />

above are to be applied to which document formats.<br />

The document formats that can be filtered include Microsoft Word 97-2003, Microsoft<br />

Excel 95-2003, Microsoft PowerPoint 95-2003 and all known versions<br />

of Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).<br />

By default, all filters are configured to apply to all formats.<br />

After modifying these settings, click on Apply Changes to make the modification<br />

effective.<br />


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