DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY in Southeastern Europe, No 1

DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY in Southeastern Europe, No 1

DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY in Southeastern Europe, No 1


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26<br />

oppo rtu ni ty to pa rti ci pa te <strong>in</strong> cre ati ng appro aches and po -<br />

li ci es to wa rds the re gi on, that is, it assu me a fu ncti on<br />

which can he lp stre ngthe ni ng Eu ro-Atla ntic pro ce sses,<br />

the re by cre ati ng a fa vo ra ble envi ro nme nt which wi ll ha -<br />

ve a po si ti ve impa ct on the de ve lo pme nt of the Re pu blic<br />

of Cro atia as we ll. For exa mple, the Re pu blic of Cro atia<br />

is <strong>in</strong> the gro up of NA TO me mbe rs co untri es which advo -<br />

ca tes the acce ssi on of Bo snia-He rze go vi na to MAP.<br />

Ha vi ng jo <strong>in</strong>ed NA TO, the Re pu blic of Cro atia also cha -<br />

nged its ge opo li ti cal po si ti on <strong>in</strong> the area: our ge opo li ti cal<br />

de sti ny was ma rked by the fu ncti on of this area as a bu -<br />

ffer, a bo rder which was the pla ce of co nfli ct be twe en the<br />

Otto man Empi re and Ce ntral Eu ro pe an empi res. Our<br />

pre se nt ge ogra phi cal area was then di vi ded be twe en di -<br />

ffe re nt cre ati ons du ri ng the pe ri od of de ve lo pme nt of Eu -<br />

ro pe an na ti onal mo ve me nts, and la ter atte mpts we re<br />

aga <strong>in</strong> thwa rted due to va ri ous <strong>in</strong>te rna ti onal and <strong>in</strong>te rnal<br />

co ndi ti ons, which li mi ted the no rmal ge ne sis of po li ti cal<br />

co mmu ni ti es <strong>in</strong> the re gi on. Only the <strong>in</strong>de pe nde nce of the<br />

Re pu blic of Cro atia ena bled the new co ndi ti ons thro ugh<br />

which its area sta rted to be va lu ed <strong>in</strong> a di ffe re nt way. To -<br />

day it no lo nger has the “bu ffer“ fu ncti on, but the new<br />

fu ncti on of “ga te way“. 14 That me ans that the Re pu blic of<br />

Cro atia has a new ro le as an <strong>in</strong>i ti ator of Eu ro pe an <strong>in</strong>te -<br />

gra ti on pro ce sses and dyna mi cs, di re cti ng the re gi on to -<br />

wa rds NA TO and the Eu ro pe an Uni on. This new ro le wi ll<br />

re su lt <strong>in</strong> stre ngthe ni ng fo re ign po li cy acti vi ti es to wa rds<br />

each <strong>in</strong>di vi du al co untry, as we ll as all fo rms of co mmon<br />

acti vi ti es of the co untri es <strong>in</strong> the re gi on. It se ems that now<br />

it is ide al ti me for esta bli shi ng new ne two rks of co ope ra -<br />

ti on, be ca use the su ccess of Cro atia is a go od ori enta ti on<br />

for other ne ighbo ri ng co untri es as we ll.<br />

* * *<br />

It is re la ti ve ly se ldom that sma ll co untri es ha ve a fa vo ra -<br />

ble <strong>in</strong>te rna ti onal co nju nctu re <strong>in</strong> which they can achi eve<br />

the ir na ti onal <strong>in</strong>te re sts wi th mi ni mal obstru cti on. The<br />

Re pu blic of Cro atia is <strong>in</strong> such a si tu ati on to day, and all<br />

the other co untri es from the fo rmer SFRY, which opt<br />

for Eu ro pe ani za ti on of the ir po li ci es and syste ms and for<br />

me mbe rship <strong>in</strong> NA TO and Eu ro pe an Uni on, wi ll be <strong>in</strong> it<br />

as we ll. On a ge ne ral le vel, we can co nclu de that me -<br />

mbe rship be ne fi ts can be di vi ded <strong>in</strong>to fo ur gro ups: fi rst,<br />

the be ne fi ts re la ted to tra nsfo rma ti on of se cu ri ty se ctor;<br />

se co nd, to tal <strong>in</strong>sti tu ti onal adju stme nts, that is, stre ngthe -<br />

ni ng of “<strong>in</strong>sti tu ti onal <strong>in</strong>te ro pe ra bi li ty”; thi rd, the be ne fi -<br />

ts from acti on <strong>in</strong> the glo bal spa ce; fo urth, the be ne fi ts<br />

from enco ura gi ng the de ve lo pme nt of new re gi onal<br />

dyna mi cs. Of co urse, me mbe rship do es not me an hi di -<br />

ng under the umbre lla, but pe rma ne nt acti vi ti es and re -<br />

spo nsi bi li ti es for <strong>in</strong>te rna ti onal pe ace and sta bi li ty. The <strong>in</strong>te<br />

rna ti onal re spo nsi bi li ty has now <strong>in</strong>cre ased for the Re -<br />

pu blic of Cro atia, wi th a spe ci al empha sis on its<br />

re spo nsi bi li ty to the re gi on. The stre ngthe ni ng of Eu ro-<br />

Atla ntic pe rspe cti ves <strong>in</strong> the re gi on and enco ura gi ng co -<br />

ope ra ti on on all le ve ls and <strong>in</strong> all aspe cts bri ngs a new<br />

dyna mi cs and cre ates fa vo ra ble envi ro nme nt for its fu -<br />

rther de ve lo pme nt. Only <strong>in</strong> such a co nfli ct-free envi ro -<br />

nme nt, can the Re pu blic of Cro atia, to ge ther wi th other<br />

co untri es, co unt on eco no mic and po li ti cal pro spe ri ty.<br />

The adva nta ges of the pre se nt ge opo li ti cal po si ti on of<br />

the Re pu blic of Cro atia wi ll not be re ali zed unless it de -<br />

fi nes acti ve su ppo rt po li ci es for its ne ighbo ri ng co untri -<br />

es <strong>in</strong> the pro ce sses of Eu ro pe an <strong>in</strong>te gra ti on. n<br />

NO TES:<br />

1<br />

R. S. Jordan, “NATOs Structural Changes for the 1990’s“, p. 51,<br />

<strong>in</strong>: S. V. Papacosma, M. A. Heiss,, (eds.), NATO <strong>in</strong> the Post-Cold War<br />

Era: Does It Have a Future? (London: Macmillan, 1995).<br />

2<br />

More about that <strong>in</strong> Richard Leone, Greg Anrig, Liberty Under Attack:<br />

The War On Our Freedoms In An Age Of Terror, (New York:<br />

Public Affairs, 2007).<br />

3<br />

Christopher Donnelly, „Security <strong>in</strong> the 21st Century: New Challenges<br />

and New Responses“, <strong>in</strong>: ^ehuli}, Lidija (ed.), NATO and<br />

New International Relations, (Zagreb: Atlantic Council of Croatia<br />

and Political Culture, 2004), pp. 24-37.<br />

4<br />

Robert Bari}, „NATO, EU i budu}nost transatlantske obrambene<br />

kooperacije“, <strong>in</strong>: Lidija ^ehuli} (eds.), NATO i novi me|unarodni<br />

odnosi, (Zagreb: Politi~ka kultura, 2004), p. 134.<br />

5<br />

Radovan Pavi}, „<strong>No</strong>vi NATO na osnovici dokumenata“, Politi~ka<br />

misao, Vol. 35, no. 1, 1998, p. 93.<br />

6<br />

The profits and benefits listed here come from various sources,<br />

<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g: Ronald D. Asmus, “Double Enlargement: Redef<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the<br />

Atlantic Partnership after the Cold War,” <strong>in</strong> David C. Gompert<br />

and F. Stephen Larrabee (eds.), America and <strong>Europe</strong>: A Partnership<br />

for a New Era (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 1997;<br />

Ronald D. Asmus, Richard L. Kugler, and F. Stephen Larrabee,<br />

“NATO Expan sion: The Next Steps”, Survival, Vol. 37, 1995, 7-33;<br />

Ronald D. Asmus, Richard L. Kugler, and F. Stephen Larrabee,<br />

“What Will NATO Enlargement Cost?”, Survival, 38, 5-26, 1996;<br />

Congressional Budget Office (CBO), “The Costs of Expand<strong>in</strong>g the<br />

NATO Al liance”, CBO Papers, CBO, Wash<strong>in</strong>gton, DC., 1996.<br />

7<br />

John A. Conybeare, James C. Murdoch, and Todd Sandler, “Alternative<br />

Collective-Goods Models of Military Alliances: Theory<br />

and Empirics”, Economic Inquiry, 32, 1994, pp. 525-542.<br />

8<br />

Todd Sandler and Keith Hartley, The Political Economy of NATO,<br />

(Cambridge University Press, 1999).<br />

9<br />

Ronald D. Asmus, Richard L. Kugler, and F. Stephen Larrabee,<br />

“What Will NATO Enlargement Cost?”, Survival, 38, 5-26, 1996.<br />

10<br />

More <strong>in</strong>: Vlatko Cvrtila, NATO i Republika Hrvatska, (Zagreb: CPI,<br />

2004).<br />

11<br />

Radovan Vukad<strong>in</strong>ovi}, Lidija ^ehuli}, Drago Lovri}, NATO u<br />

me|unarodnim odnosima, (Zagreb: FPZ, 2006).<br />

12<br />

More <strong>in</strong>: Radovan Vukad<strong>in</strong>ovi}, Lidija ^ehuli}, Drago Lovri}, NATO<br />

u me|unarodnim odnosima, (Zagreb: FPZ, 2006).<br />

13<br />

More <strong>in</strong>: Radovan Vukad<strong>in</strong>ovi}, Lidija ^ehuli} Vukad<strong>in</strong>ovi}, Davor<br />

Bo`<strong>in</strong>ovi}, NATO – euroatlantska <strong>in</strong>tegracija, (Zagreb: Topical, 2007).<br />

14<br />

Vlatko Cvrtila, „Republika Hrvatska kao ’gateway’ prema jugoisto~noj<br />

Europi“, Politi~ka misao, Vol. 37, br. 1, 2000, pp. 161-172.

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