DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY in Southeastern Europe, No 1

DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY in Southeastern Europe, No 1

DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY in Southeastern Europe, No 1


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58<br />

the Isra eli-Tu rki sh pa rtne rship: „For the We st, the pi -<br />

vo tal co untry is Tu rkey, the stro nge st mi li ta ry po wer<br />

<strong>in</strong> the re gi on, alli ed to the We st, fri endly to Isra el, and,<br />

be ca use of the <strong>in</strong>di spe nsa bi li ty of its ge ogra phy, impo -<br />

rta nt to all the co nte ndi ng fo rces.“ 8<br />

Ho we ver, it se ems that Isra eli-Tu rki sh re la ti ons are not<br />

lo nger so impo rta nt for the Ame ri can se cu ri ty pa ra di -<br />

gm. The no ti ce able Tu rki sh-Isra eli cri sis sta rted <strong>in</strong> su -<br />

mmer 2009 <strong>in</strong> Da vos, when Tu rki sh Pri me Mi ni ster<br />

Re cep Ta yyip Erdo gan, after a ve rbal du el wi th Isra eli<br />

pre si de nt Shi mon Pe res re la ted to mass ki lli ngs of ci vi -<br />

li ans <strong>in</strong> the Ga za Strip, angri ly le ft the di scu ssi on. Other<br />

di plo ma tic <strong>in</strong>ci de nts fo llo wed, and Tu rke y’s me di ati on<br />

<strong>in</strong> effo rts to re ach a co mpro mi se <strong>in</strong> the ca se of Ira n’s<br />

pe ace ful nu cle ar pro gram co ntri bu ted to the fu rther<br />

de te ri ora ti on of re la ti ons wi th Isra el. In its re la ti ons wi -<br />

th Iran, Tu rkey is asse rti ng itse lf as a li nk for a pe ace ful<br />

so lu ti on and a re spi te of te nsi ons. Altho ugh <strong>in</strong> an une -<br />

nvi able po si ti on due to the sa ncti ons, Iran is, undo ubte -<br />

dly, sti ll one of the eco no mi ca lly stro nge st co untri es <strong>in</strong><br />

the Mi ddle Ea st, and be si des se rvi ng as a me di ator, Tu -<br />

rkey is also de ve lo pi ng a ve ry <strong>in</strong>te nse eco no mic co ope -<br />

ra ti on wi th Iran. Ho we ver, <strong>in</strong> the co nte xt of the new<br />

„stra te gic de pth“ acco rdi ng to which, it se ems, Tu rkey<br />

co uld be „a mo del co untry“ for mo st Mu slim co untri -<br />

es, the clo se fri endship wi th Isra el was a se ri ous obsta -<br />

cle. It can the re fo re be co nclu ded that the<br />

Isra eli-Tu rki sh di plo ma tic cri sis has, <strong>in</strong> fa ct, co ntri bu ted<br />

to the de ve lo pme nt of Tu rke y’s new ima ge as a le ader<br />

and the <strong>in</strong>cre ase <strong>in</strong> tru st amo ng Isla mic co untri es. It<br />

se ems obvi ous that, <strong>in</strong> order to re ali ze Da vu to glu ’s ide -<br />

as, one of the abo ve me nti oned fo ur key the ore ti cal<br />

ele me nts has to be sa cri fi ced from ti me to ti me on the<br />

pa th of re achi ng the fi nal go al of „stra te gic de pth“.<br />

* * *<br />

The se co nd ele me nt of „stra te gic de pth“ is „mu lti di -<br />

me nsi onal fo re ign po li cy“. Da vu to glu be li eves that sta -<br />

tic fo re ign po li cy is da ma gi ng for Tu rkey, and Tu rkey<br />

co uld asse rt itse lf as a me di ator <strong>in</strong> the re gi on thro ugh<br />

a po li cy which wo uld <strong>in</strong>tro du ce mo re pa ra me te rs. Be -<br />

si des a le adi ng ro le <strong>in</strong> the Mi ddle Ea st, this wo uld also<br />

pro vi de new stra te gic re la ti ons wi th the Eu ro pe an Uni -<br />

on, and fu rther de ve lo pme nt of the pa rtne rship wi th<br />

Ru ssia. When the Co ld War ended, the di stru st be twe -<br />

en Ru ssia and Tu rkey did not va ni sh ove rni ght. Ho we -<br />

ver, the po ssi ble re ason for the ir re co nci li ati on — which,<br />

as nu me ro us au tho rs ha ve po <strong>in</strong>ted out, co uld also be<br />

the re ason for We ste rn co nce rn — is the fa ct that bo -<br />

th Ru ssia and Tu rkey, as two pe ri phe ral Eu ro-Asi an po -<br />

we rs, se em to ha ve co mmon gri eva nces wi th Eu ro pe,<br />

which co uld be a fa ctor that co nve rges the ir <strong>in</strong>te re sts. 9<br />

In te rms of the ove ra ll co ope ra ti on, acco rdi ng to the<br />

la te st <strong>in</strong>di ca to rs, Ru ssia has be co me Tu rke y’s bi gge st<br />

eco no mic pa rtner – re pla ci ng Ge rma ny. 10<br />

Ma ny <strong>in</strong>te rpret Tu rke y’s ra ppro che me nt wi th its Mi -<br />

ddle Ea ste rn ne ighbo rs and Ru ssia as the re su lt of the<br />

sha red di sa ppo <strong>in</strong>tme nt alo ngsi de the le ade rship of the<br />

AKP wi th the EU ’s de ci si on to acce pt Cyprus <strong>in</strong>to me -<br />

mbe rship <strong>in</strong> 2004: wi th<strong>in</strong> Tu rki sh fo re ign po li cy ci rcles,<br />

it is be li eved that this was a de li be ra te mo ve by EU le -<br />

ade rs re lu cta nt to acce pt Tu rkey as a me mber. 11<br />

Ho we ver, for the ti me be <strong>in</strong>g, Tu rkey has be en su cce -<br />

ssfu lly ba la nci ng be twe en its <strong>in</strong>te re sts <strong>in</strong> the We st and<br />

its pa rtne rship wi th Ru ssia. On Ma rch 4, 2010, the Tu -<br />

rki sh pa rli ame nt co mple ted the pro cess of ra ti fyi ng a<br />

tre aty ena bli ng the co nstru cti on of the Na bu cco pi pe -<br />

li ne, run by a co nso rti um of Eu ro pe an co mpa ni es. Na -<br />

bu cco ci rcu mve nts Ru ssi an te rri to ry, thus de cre asi ng<br />

Eu ro pe ’s de pe nde nce on Ru ssi an gas. 12 Ana lysts, the -<br />

re fo re, cla im that Tu rkey has the po te nti al to be co me<br />

“the Si lk Ro ad of the 21st ce ntu ry” – and is re ali zi ng<br />

that po te nti al by be co mi ng the ne xus of mu lti ple impo -<br />

rta nt pi pe li ne pro je cts. 13<br />

An oppo rtu ni ty for new Eu ro pe an-Tu rki sh re la ti ons<br />

was the ope ni ng of ne go ti ati ons wi th Tu rkey <strong>in</strong> Lu xe -<br />

mbo urg <strong>in</strong> 2005. The fi nal de ci si on on admi ssi on of Tu -<br />

rkey <strong>in</strong>to the EU wi ll ha ve to do wi th the mi no ri ty<br />

ri ghts issue and ci vil co ntrol of the mi li ta ry. And whi le<br />

Tu rkey is on a re la ti ve ly go od pa th to so lve the Ku rd<br />

and the fre edom of spe ech issu es, Eu ro pe an ci rcles be -<br />

li eve that the key to de mo cra ti za ti on of a co untry li es,<br />

<strong>in</strong> fa ct, <strong>in</strong> ci vil co ntrol of the mi li ta ry.<br />

Ta chau used the ce ntral-pe ri phe ry fra me wo rk to expla -<br />

<strong>in</strong> the fu ncti oni ng of Tu rke y’s po li ti cal li fe: the na ti onal<br />

se cu lar sta te eli te is <strong>in</strong> the ce nter, ju xta po sed wi th the<br />

pe ri phe ry whe re the re are ethnic gro ups de vo ted to<br />

tra di ti onal li fe and re li gi ous va lu es. 14 Ke yman cla ims that<br />

<strong>in</strong> the abse nce of an ari sto cra cy which wo uld fi ll the<br />

„ce nter“ from the pre vi ous mo del, the su bsti tu te was<br />

the ce ntral eli te co mpo sed of mi li ta ry and bu re au cra tic<br />

offi ci als. 15 This re la ti onship be twe en pe ri phe ry and ce -<br />

nter, altho ugh la rge ly obso le te as ti me pa ssed, pro vi -<br />

ded a stro ng fo unda ti on for the pro te cti on of Tu rki sh<br />

se cu la ri sm. Ca ndar be li eves that Tu rki sh se cu la ri sm di -<br />

ffe rs from the Anglo-Sa xon tra di ti on cha ra cte ri zed by<br />

re li gi ous plu ra li sm and to le ra nce: <strong>in</strong> his opi ni on, Tu rki -<br />

sh se cu la ri sm is ove rly athe ist and not de mo cra tic as it<br />

co mes across to so me We ste rne rs, and Tu rki sh Islam<br />

is not as fu nda me nta li st as po rtra yed. 16

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