DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY in Southeastern Europe, No 1

DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY in Southeastern Europe, No 1

DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY in Southeastern Europe, No 1


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Re vi ew<br />

Co nse rva ti ve vs.<br />

Pro gre ssi ve Ge o po li ti cs<br />

Pi še: Sead Turčalo<br />

Ke arns, Ge rry (2009):<br />

Ge opo li ti cs and Empi re.<br />

The Le ga cy of Ha lfo rd<br />

Ma cki nder, New Yo rk:<br />

Oxfo rd Uni ve rsi ty Press,<br />

p. 344<br />

The di scu ssi on on the hi sto ry of (cla ssi cal) ge opo li ti cs<br />

is the di scu ssi on of its mi su se, of impe ri ali sm and “te -<br />

rri to ri al de vi ati on”. Swe di sh po li ti cal sci enti st Ru do lph<br />

Kje llen (1864 – 1922) is co nsi de red to be the fa ther of<br />

ge opo li ti cs, which he si tu ated as one of the co urses <strong>in</strong><br />

the sci ence of the sta te, de fi ni ng its su bje ct of re se arch<br />

as “the sta te as a te rri to ry”, but it is the Brit Ha lfo rd<br />

Jo hn Ma cki nder, the gre ate st impe ri ali st amo ngst ge -<br />

opo li ti ci ans, who is co nsi de red to be a true the ore ti -<br />

cal sha per of cla ssi cal ge opo li ti cs.<br />

The pre se nta ti on of his te xt “The Ge ogra phi cal Pi vot of<br />

Hi sto ry” (1904) to the Ro yal Ge ogra phi cal So ci ety was<br />

ma rked by mo de rn po li ti cal sci enti sts and hi sto ri ans as<br />

a “de fi ni ng mo me nt <strong>in</strong> the hi sto ry of ge opo li ti cs” and a<br />

wo rk of “ico no cla stic va lue”. When spe aki ng abo ut the<br />

“ge ogra phi cal ca usa li ty of hi sto ry”, Ma cki nder de ve lo -<br />

ped his Eu ra si an stra te gy or the the ory of the He artla -<br />

nd (the he art of the wo rld be <strong>in</strong>g the te rri to ry co ve ri ng<br />

Ru ssia, We st Si be ria, Ka za khstan, Si nki ang and Mo ngo -<br />

lia) as the key to do mi na ti on of the wo rld. (pp. 151 –<br />

159). For him the who le wo rld is a clo sed sta ge, <strong>in</strong> a<br />

po st-Co lu mbi an era <strong>in</strong> which eve nts on one si de of the<br />

wo rld are re fle cted to the re st of the glo be (pp. 131-<br />

137). In such a co nte xt, altho ugh Ma cki nder avo ids usi -<br />

ng this te rm, ge opo li ti cs is an ana lyti cal to ol for stu dyi ng<br />

the ra ce of gre at po we rs on the clo sed sta ge. Addi ng to<br />

his the ory of He artla nd <strong>in</strong> his 1919 bo ok “De mo cra tic<br />

Ide als and Re ali ty”, he de fi ned his fa mo us tri ptych<br />

The author is a Se ni or Le ctu rer<br />

at the Fa cu lty of Po li ti cal Sci ences of the<br />

Uni ve rsi ty of Sa ra je vo<br />

„Who ru les Ea st Eu ro pe co mma nds the He artla nd;<br />

Who ru les the He artla nd, co mma nds the Wo rld-Isla nd;<br />

Who ru les the Wo rld-Isla nd, co ntro ls the wo rld “<br />

a di ctum which he ho ped “a fla unti ng angel” wo uld<br />

whi sper to Bri ti sh offi ci als whi le they we re ta lki ng to<br />

the de fe ated Ge rma ns after the Fi rst Wo rld War. (Ma -<br />

cki nder (1919) 2009)<br />

The ana lysis of Ma cki nde r’s the ory and its <strong>in</strong>flu ence<br />

on mo de rn ge opo li ti cs is the su bje ct of the bo ok „Ge -<br />

opo li ti cs and Empi re. The Le ga cy of Ha lfo rd Ma cki -<br />

nder“ by au thor Ge rry Ke arns, pro fe ssor of<br />

go ve rnme nt and <strong>in</strong>te rna ti onal affa irs and di re ctor of<br />

the Scho ol of Pu blic and Inte rna ti onal Affa irs at Vi rgi -<br />

nia Tech <strong>in</strong> Bla cksbu rg, USA.<br />


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