DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY in Southeastern Europe, No 1

DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY in Southeastern Europe, No 1

DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY in Southeastern Europe, No 1


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The la te st de ve lo pme nts re la ted to the de te nti on of<br />

Tu rki sh offi ce rs and ge ne ra ls, cha rged wi th pre pa ri ng<br />

a mi li ta ry co up, is the gro und for te sti ng the re la ti -<br />

onship be twe en the ce nter and the pe ri phe ry, as we ll<br />

as for so lvi ng the issue re la ted to ci vil co ntrol of the<br />

mi li ta ry. Ho we ver, acco rdi ng to so me, the de te nti on<br />

of the se offi ce rs and ge ne ra ls is a thre at to the co -<br />

untry’s se cu la ri sm, and this wo rry de epe ned when Tu -<br />

rki sh au tho ri ti es arre sted the sta te pro se cu tor who<br />

had <strong>in</strong>ve sti ga ted Isla mic ne two rks. The New Yo rk Ti mes<br />

re po rts that the cri ti cs of Pri me Mi ni ster Erdo gan are<br />

co nce rned be ca use wi th the se acti ons Erdo gan has si -<br />

le nced the oppo si ti on, and now has co ntrol over mo -<br />

st of the le ve rs of po wer, <strong>in</strong>clu di ng the ju di ci ary.<br />

Erdo ga n’s cri ti cs are ve ry wo rri ed that the ju di ci ary<br />

„wi ll so on fa ll to his Isla mic su ppo rte rs“. 17 Co mme nti -<br />

ng on the la te st de ve lo pme nts, Pro fe ssor So li Ozel<br />

from Bi lgi Uni ve rsi ty sa ys „The old ide olo gy is ba nkru -<br />

pt, that much we know“, and ca re fu lly adds that Erdo -<br />

ga n’s pa rty is “a de mo cra ti zi ng fo rce, but not<br />

ne ce ssa ri ly a de mo cra tic one”. 18<br />

Ba sk<strong>in</strong> Oran, <strong>in</strong>te rna ti onal re la ti ons pro fe ssor at Anka -<br />

ra Uni ve rsi ty, di smi sses tho se fe ars. In his opi ni on,<br />

Erdo ga n’s pa rty, which once re li ed on wo rki ng class<br />

and Isla mi sts, has go ne thro ugh a tra nsfo rma ti on. “It<br />

has be co me bo urge ois,” Mr. Oran sa id, addi ng: “They<br />

wi ll alwa ys be Mu sli ms, but they wo n’t be Isla mi sts.” 19<br />

* * *<br />

The thi rd and fo urth ele me nts <strong>in</strong> Da vu to glu ’s „stra te -<br />

gic de pth“, „a new di plo ma tic la ngu age“ and „tra nsi -<br />

ti on to a rhythmic po li cy“, do mi na te the rhe to ric of<br />

Tu rke y’s Mi ni ster of Fo re ign Affa irs. The ru li ng AKP<br />

has acce pted „stra te gic de pth“, amo ng other re aso ns,<br />

be ca use of the fa ct that Da vu to glu ’s „new di plo ma tic<br />

la ngu age“ fo rms a new/old ide nti ty thro ugh stro nger<br />

ti es wi th co untri es Tu rkey sha res a hi sto ry wi th. It can<br />

be sa id that this po si ti on is a co mpro mi se be twe en co -<br />

nse rva ti ve and li be ral ci rcles <strong>in</strong> Tu rkey, but also that this<br />

tu ned „rhythm“ <strong>in</strong> fo re ign po li cy co ntri bu tes to an<br />

<strong>in</strong>te rnal de mo cra ti za ti on ne ce ssa ry for fu ll me mbe -<br />

rship <strong>in</strong> the Eu ro pe an Uni on. On the other ha nd, re -<br />

lyi ng on the Otto man ide nti ty impli es the de mi se of<br />

Tu rke y’s sta tus as a „va ssal“ sta te <strong>in</strong> re la ti ons to the<br />

USA, which wo uld pro vi de si gni fi ca nt co mpe nsa ti on<br />

for the “Eu ro pe ani za ti on” of Tu rkey to the tra di ti onal,<br />

pe ri phe ral ci rcles.<br />

„Tra nsi ti on to a rhythmic po li cy“ re qu ires fre qu ent vi -<br />

si ts to le ade rs <strong>in</strong> the re gi on, and this pre mi se has be -<br />

en te sted wi th se ve ral vi si ts of Tu rki sh offi ci als to<br />

Bo snia-He rze go vi na and Se rbia <strong>in</strong> 2009. In spi te of the<br />

be st of <strong>in</strong>te nti ons, the vi sit to Bo snia-He rze go vi na was<br />

not ve ry su cce ssful from the pu blic di plo ma cy pe rspe -<br />

cti ve. This vi sit re qu ired mo re tho ro ugh pre pa ra ti ons<br />

and mo re mo de ra ti on <strong>in</strong> sta te me nts, and <strong>in</strong> the abse -<br />

nce of such pre pa ra ti ons, and be ari ng <strong>in</strong> mi nd the re -<br />

la ti ons amo ng Bo sni an le ade rs and pa rti es,<br />

co ntro ve rsi al re acti ons to Tu rke y’s di plo ma tic acti vi ti -<br />

es we re fo re se ea ble.<br />

Da va to glu ’s sta te me nts that „Sa ra je vo is ou rs“ and<br />

“...we sha ll cre ate the Ba lka ns, the Ca uca sus, the Mi -<br />

ddle Ea st, to ge ther wi th Tu rkey, the ce nter of the glo -<br />

bal po li ti cs”, we re <strong>in</strong>te rpre ted by BH Pre si de ncy<br />

me mber Ne bo j{a Ra dma no vi } as „a cla ssi cal exa mple<br />

of <strong>in</strong>te rfe re nce <strong>in</strong>to the <strong>in</strong>te rnal issu es of a co untry“,<br />

and he co nclu ded that Da vu to glu „sho wed impe ri ali -<br />

stic <strong>in</strong>te nti ons to wa rds the Ba lka ns“. 20<br />

Due to a mo re mo de ra te appro ach, Tu rki sh di plo ma -<br />

cy was far mo re su cce ssful <strong>in</strong> Se rbia. Se rbi an Pre si de -<br />

nt Bo ris Ta di } se es Tu rke y’s di plo ma tic acti vi ti es<br />

co mple te ly di ffe re ntly than Ra dma no vi }: du ri ng Tu rki -<br />

sh Pre si de nt Abdu llah Gu l’s vi sit, Ta di } sa id that re la ti -<br />

ons be twe en Se rbia and Tu rkey „we re at the hi ghe st<br />

le vel <strong>in</strong> hi sto ry“. 21 This is, of co urse, due to the <strong>in</strong>te -<br />

nsi fyi ng of eco no mic co ope ra ti on and the anno unce -<br />

me nt of Tu rke y’s <strong>in</strong>ve stme nts <strong>in</strong> Se rbia. It, the re fo re,<br />

se ems that a Tu rki sh pu blic di plo ma cy <strong>in</strong> Bo snia-He -<br />

rze go vi na empha si zi ng the new stra te gic fri endship wi -<br />

th Se rbia and Ru ssia wo uld re su lt <strong>in</strong> far be tter effe cts<br />

that a di plo ma cy re fe re nci ng the Otto man Empi re. Altho<br />

ugh new We ste rn the ori es co nce de that of all<br />

empi res thro ugho ut hi sto ry the Otto man had the be -<br />

st mo del of mu lti cu ltu ral to le ra nce, <strong>in</strong> Se rbi an na ti onal<br />

cu ltu re the Otto man era is se en as the da rke st, mo st<br />

de te sted pe ri od of fo re ign ru le. 22<br />

The exte nt to which myths can <strong>in</strong>flu ence de ci si ons<br />

which sho uld be ma de on a pra gma tic le vel is also illu -<br />

stra ted by the di scu ssi on of which NA TO co nti nge nt<br />

<strong>in</strong> Afgha ni stan sho uld Bo snia-He rze go vi na se nd its tro -<br />

ops to. The be st offe rs ca me from Tu rkey, De nma rk<br />

and the Gre at Bri ta <strong>in</strong>, and the mi ssi on offe red by Tu -<br />

rkey is lo ca ted <strong>in</strong> the sa fe st area <strong>in</strong> Afgha ni stan and has<br />

the le ast ri sk for Bo sni an so ldi ers. Du {a nka Ma jki }, de -<br />

pu ty cha irwo man <strong>in</strong> the Ho use of Re pre se nta ti ves <strong>in</strong><br />

the BH Pa rli ame nt, is the only one who pu bli cly re -<br />

acted to Tu rke y’s offer but acco rdi ng to uno ffi ci al re -<br />

acti ons, for a si gni fi ca nt nu mber of Pa rli ame nt<br />

me mbe rs re pre se nti ng Se rbi an na ti ona li st pa rti es, Tu -<br />

rkey is una cce pta ble be ca use of hi sto ric pre ju di ce. 23<br />

We ste rn di plo ma tic ci rcles <strong>in</strong> Sa ra je vo de emed such at-<br />


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